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by Xedra

My idea of Home has changed many times.
First it was Potedeia,
and Mother and Father and Lila.
A place where I lived and worked and dreamed.
I was a daughter, a sister, a friend.
I was even bethrothed!
I felt loved, but also sheltered, hampered, reigned in.
Then I met a wonderful Warrior Princess.
I followed her on her travels.
Then Home became the Road,
with campfires and cooking and sleeping under the stars.
I was a bard, a companion, a fighter for good.
I was even an Amazon Princess!
I felt free, needed and useful, but yearned for something more.
Something higher than myself.
My Quest took me all over the Known World,
learning many different teachings, meeting many different gods.
The Djinn voices, the Yoga, the Mendhi, the Path of Love.
I've even been to Heaven and Hell and back!
So, what is Home to me now?
Throughout these adventures and along this journey
one thing has remained the same, one thing is constant:
My friend, my confidante, my soulmate.
"Sometimes people think Home is a place. It can be a person."
Xena is that person.
Wherever we go, whatever we do, whatever happens,
As long as I'm with Xena, I'm Home.