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Let Me Come With You

Let Me Come With You
by Xedra

Let me come with you.
Don't you understand?
There's so much you can teach me,
so much to learn at your hand.
I can't be what they want,
I don't fit into their plan.
I want to have adventures,
travel across the land.

Let me come with you.
Please, can't you see?
You're my only chance.
I have to break free!
I can tell that you need me,
there's something in your eyes.
A fear behind that stony glare
that from me you can't hide.

Let me come with you.
Won't you let me be your friend?
I want to share with you the dangers
waiting just around the bend.
Help you overcome the pain
That burns inside of you.
I can tell that deep down inside
you know you want me to.

Let me come with you.
Don't send me away.
We can learn from each other,
become stronger each day.
We'd be good for each other,
like sunshine for a flower's growth.
If we take this chance
it'll mean a new life for us both.

Please, let me come with you.