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No Choice

No Choice
by Xedra

Who is this child?
Somewhere there must be
A shred of compassion
A reflection of me.

The short time I held her
My love for her grew.
To protect her from slaughter,
Only one thing to do.

Given up to the gods,
They determined your fate.
I found you much later,
But it was too late.

Your hatred was boundless,
You killed without fear.
There was no other choice,
The next step was clear.

Farewell again,
There's nothing to do
But pray that the gods
Show mercy to you.

An Evil has brought you
Again to this world.
I watch, unbelieving,
As your fury's unfurled.

Bringing destruction
And death in your wake.
I had to think quickly,
A friend's life was at stake.

To a firey death
We both must descend.
And once and for all,
Let this be her end.