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Pity the Destroyer

Pity the Destroyer
by Xedra

This poem was written after watching "A Family Affair" the second time, and crying at the end a second time.

Born of War and Evil, is a creature like no other.
The Destroyer, fierce and bloody, who craves the love of his mother.
Reaching out with spike-covered arms, he yearns for her embrace.
But she quickly turns away, a frown of scorn upon her face.
A moan of deepest anguish, as he shrinks from her disgust,
Fills the cold and lonely cave, her treatment so unjust.
He is what she has made him, a creature everyone fears.
But inside he also has a heart, and he cries bitter tears.
His fate could have been far different, had he grown under Gabrielle's care.
A life filled with love and acceptance, instead of hate and despair.
Instead, his life is cut short; and, confused by Gabrielle's face
Unknowingly slays his mother, but they die in a tender embrace.
In the end finally receiving what he's longed for all his life:
His mother's arms around him, and a loving look in her eye.