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I've never met anyone like her
I look into her eyes, my heart says "thats the one"
I hear her voice, its the only thing i can hear
When i'm with her, i feel...feel as if she is my sole
purpose in life
..........and yet i let her go?..........

"ThInKinG oF yOu…"

WhEn I lOoK iNtO uR eYeS,
I fEeL tHa I aM In A dAzE.
ThEsE EmOtIoNs I FeEl, Am I iN LuV wItH U?

I wAkE uP eVeRy nIgHt,
tHiNkInG oF U.
WiShInG U wErE HeRe,
sO I cOuLd hOlD u nEaR.

EvErY tImE I sEe,
mY hEaRt cAn’T sTaY sTiLL.
I wAnT tO LiStEn tO mY hEaRt bUt,
aM sO cOnFusEd.

To dEnY eVeRyThInG Is A mUsT,
bUT tHoUgHtS oF u nEvEr lEaVe mY mInD.

I tHiNk Of U EvErY DaY.
Is It MeAnT tO Be?
ShOuLd I sAy I luv u?
CaN I sAy I LuV yOu?

"I Show You My Love"
Do You love me, or do you not?
You tole me once but i forgot,
So tell me not and tell me true,
So i can tell you... I love you too.
Of all the girls I have ever met,
You the only one I won't forget,
And when I die before you do,
I will go to heaven and wait for you,
If you are not there by judgement day,
I'll know you went the other way.
I'll give the angels back their wings,
And risk the lose of everything,
Just to prove my love for you is true...

You are like an angel to me...when u soar above
me..when i am in trouble u are always above to help me
fly with you..when I looking in those beatiful
eyes my hearts beats faster and faster
but when u kiss me it helps my heart calm
down..there fore my angel is my lover

When I first saw you, you stole my heart.My feeling
made me want to kiss you with all my heart.When you
are away I am capture by darkness,but when you are
close with me you shine the light of your love to
defeat the darkness.You make me happy every single
second when you are with me.Your beatiful eyes glitter
for love.My soul will always join you cause of your
passion of love.

Those eyes of yours are blue as the moon of love.My
heart force me to love you.My soul force me to kiss
you.Nothing will keep me apart from you.The only thing
to keep me away is love it self.My wish for you is my
soul for your love.

Love is a feeling that I can`t understand..The only
feeling gets mix and turn out peaceful and wonderful
when I am with someone I like..That feeling inside...
is that love??...I can`t understand why but kisses
refresh my mind and reminds me of the only true person
I will ever like..I will always use this feeling
called love..on that person for the first and last
time I see her...
