Thank you for visiting the AIKA membership page. We appreciate you taking us into consideration for Isshinryu Karate Do Association. On this page will you will find prices for all the items that AIKA has to offer: (With more to come soon!)
Dojo: (Cover Dojo and Cheif Instructor): $25.00 (Lifetime)
Individual: $20.00 (Lifetime)
AIKA Affiliate Dojo Student: $15.00 (Lifetime) (Must provide dojo information for proof of affiliation) $20.00 (Lifetime)
Certificates that are available:
Instructor & Assistant Instructor: $20.00 (The Assistant/Junior Instructor certificate is only allowed in extreme dojo hardship and isolation cases and is not granted without proof of proficiency. Do not send fees without contacting Hanshi Furgason or the AIKA secretary, Chris Crumbacher. A Jr. Instructor can only promote kyu ranks.)
Dan - $20.00
Kyu - $ 7.00
Renshi-Go - $25.00
Kyoshi-Go - $25.00
We also have AIKA patches available for ONLY $5.00 each.