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Welcome to the AIKA Newsletter

July 30, 2017

The AIKA website will be updated and changed to make it easier view and to navigate. As always we encourage anyone who needs to update their dojo information please email the AIKA Secretary Chris Crumbacher or Hanshi Furgason with that information.

A Message From Hanshi Furgason

Tomorrow (7/31/2017) at 5:00PM I retire. I am looking forward to devoting much more time to Isshinryu, my dojo and to the AIKA. I will be traveling from Houston to Seattle area for a family reunion in August and have already been contacted to make a few stops along the way. It will be good to see some old friends in Isshinryu and to make a few new ones.

I started my official training in Isshinryu in March 1975 and it never ceases to amaze me in how fast time seems to fly.

I will post a map of my route and you can contact me if you would like to visit or hold a seminar. I know that we will be heading up through Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska and then cut over to Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and then into Washington. Coming back will be Oregon, California, Nevada, Flagstaff Arizona, New Mexico (as always I will visit Chris Crumbacher in NM)and back home to Texas.

I have pointed out in the past that the AIKA continues to grow and we rely on great karateka like you. I want to Thank Daniel Munoz for the time and service he gave the AIKA as secretary and to welcome Chris Crumbacher as the current secretary. I have had the pleasure to teach seminars across the country and am truly impressed with the caliber of karateka I have met. You make good days great and bad days tolerable. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to Isshinryu.

2018 Tournament and Honor Society
We are now open to locating a host for the 2018 grand championship tournament


Thanks for all your time and remember to email Chris Crumbacher with any news you would like added to the next news letter.
