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Let us remember        

Did you know........

........Left handed men were good with slingshots? 700 left handed men could hit a single hair and not miss. Judges 20:16 3:15 and 1 Chron. 12:12

......Samson must have been the strongest man in the Bible. Judges 15:15,16  16:30   14:6

.....Abimelech was ashame because a woman dropped a large rock on his skull. So he asked the men to finish killing him. Judges 9:54

......42,000 killed because a word was not pronounced right. Judges 12:6

.....The Lord does not look on the outward appearance of man, He looks on the heart. 1Samuel 16:7

......Goliath the giant was 9 ft. 9 in tall and his coat weighed 166 lbs. 1 Samuel 17:4

......David's wife Michal tricked the would be killers of David by putting a mock body in his bed. 1Samuel 19:12-17

.......David...."..There is but a step between me and death." 1 Samuel 20:3

.......Samuel was a circuit riding preacher...Bethel, Gilgal, Mizpeh, and Ramah. 1Samuel 7:16

.......Samuel was Israel's first prophet and last Judge. 1Samuel 3:20

.......By making a vow to God, Jephthah had to kill his only son. Judges 11:31,39

.......Samson tied 300 foxes tails together with torches on them in anger to burn the Philistine grain fields. Judges 15:4

.......God promises longer life to those obeying him. 1 Kings 3:14 Eph. 6:2 Proverbs 3:2,16 9:11 Psalms 61:6 128:5,6 Deut. 11:21 30:20

.......Solomon wrote 3000 proverbs and 1005 songs. 1 Kings 4:32

.......Egypt is called 'the iron furnace' 1 Kings 8:51 Deut. 4:20

.......Solomon's riches and wisdom exceeded all the kings of the earth.  1 Kings 10:23

.......There is a man that sinneth not. 1 John 1:8,10 James 3:2 Eccles. 7:20 1 Kings 8:46

.......Solomons temple began 480 years after Israel came out og Egypt (1446 B.C.) and the 4th year of Solomons reign (966 B.C.) 1 Kings 6:1

.......The approximate size of the temple was 90' long, 30' wide, 45' high.  1 Kings 6:2

......The temple was rebuilt 430 years later by Zerubbabel. Neh. & Ezra

......God's knowledge to great for us to understand. Psalms 139:6

.......The longest chapter in the Bible. Psalms 119:1-176 There are 22 sermons of 8 verses each. Almost every verse contains, ways, statutes, testamones, precepts, commandments,
judgments, and promises. What a chapter of God's teachings.

.......David's life was saved by an arrow. 1 Samuel 20:22,25

........David pretends to be insane and escapes the Philistines, by clawing on the door and letting spit fall on his beard. 1 Samuel 21:13

.........Michal mocks David for dancing unclothed before the people. 2 Samuel 6:16,20

.......2 Samuel 11:1- David troubles will begin for his affair with Bathesheba.

........Uriah, Bathesheba's husband was loyal and even carried his own death note. 2 Samuel 11:14

.......Absalom's beauty........and his hair weighed 5 lbs. 2 Samuel 14:25


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