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Just who is

   this swell girl?


A Bit About Me

My name is Jennifer and I was born in Houston, Texas on April 9, 1984.  I'm a Christian, a student, a sister, a daughter, a registered Democrat (for the next year...I voted for Rev. Al Sharpton in the democratic primaries) and a George W. Bush supporter.  I long to be a wife and a mother but I'm entertaining myself with school and life until marriage and a family rolls around.

I reside in Texas where I'm going to school for a degree in Graphic Design and Advertising.  I will graduate in May of 2006 and plan on attending graduate school at Coventry University in jolly ol' England.  I would, one day, like to teach at the University level.  (If I can fit that around raising my babies and being a wife...which is my main ambition in life.)  Be sure to check out my Man Page to read more about that.

I am currently single and focusing on school and my art.  I'm a published author and a painter.  I'm working on getting my first group of paintings together to show in a gallery!  If you would like to read my work, or see my art, please feel free to ask and I can share it with you. 

I am living with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Costochondritis and PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome.  My MS pretty much decides what it wants to do with my body on a day to day basis.  But, between sleeping, doctor appointments and school, I do manage to find some free time.  I enjoy reading, writing, painting, shopping, quilting, and working on my website.  I also run a graphic design business.

My Family

  Joey (17) is my only brother.  He is a competitive fencer and an all around fun brother to have.  He continues to whip my tail in whatever video game we play.  I've seen a lot less of my car since he turned 16, but thanks to him it's getting some much deserved pimping.  With a style that says, "Yes, I just walked out of Abercrombie and Fitch," he attracts all the ladies.  He's also really great with little kids and I can't wait until he's a father!  Joey has mad guitar skilz.  He can pick up anything after one listen.  It's wild. 

Sarah (15) is my only sister.  She is a competitive gymnast and a competitive fencer.  She's also a great drummer in search of a punk band.   My sister is crazy!  Sarah has a very unique style that's part punk, part princess and part toddler.  She's a hottie and she knows it.  She wants to graduate early so she can go to college and move out of the house.  I know one thing for sure...she will never have to by herself a drink in a bar.  She's into the indie punk scene which kind of scares me.

My parents are wonderful.  My father (48) works in oil and my mother (42) owns her own financial business.  Both of them have made many personal sacrifices over the years to offer their children all the opportunities this world has to offer.  They have been happily married for 22 years.  I think both my parental units are ready to have all their kids grown and out of the house.  But I also know they are looking forward to having grandchildren they can spoil.  My dad enjoys cigars, winemaking, and boat drinks.  He's a huge Jimmy Buffett fan.  My mother enjoys working in her backyard and taking care of her pool.  She listens to hiphop and top 40.  (It's scary.  I think my mother is the only mother in the world who would sign along to "Move" by Ludacris when on a road trip.)  She's so cool!  I'm close to both of my parents, but I see us getting even closer once I move out, and once I have babies of my own. 

My Babies

Ditto Head ( dogs years) is a black basenji.  Basenji's are from Africa.  (They are the type of dogs that we see carved in the Egyptian pyramids.)  Ditto is one crazy dog.  We rescued him from a puppy mill and he was very sick as a puppy We didn't think he was going to make it.  Much to our dismay delight, he pulled through and is now as sweet as can be.  He was trouble in his kiddie years, but now that he's grown up, he's charming and sweet.  The only problem is that Ditto thinks he's a 60lbs lap dog.  He's the reason we have bruises on our thighs.  If you need a good cry, he is the dog to cry with!  He will snuggle right up with you and stay as long as you want him to.

Lady Margaret Thatcher ( dog years) is a Yellow Labrador Retriever.  Her distinguished name matches her background.  She is the daughter of a prize (best in show) mother and a prize father.  She was born in Alvin, Texas but claims that she didn't get to meet Nolan Ryan.  Maggie dog is always ready to wag her tail and come running when you walk in the door.  She is never without a smile on her face to go with her big, beautiful, brown eyes.

A Bit More About Me : March 31, 2004

My Heritage : Polish, German, Welsh, English.

My Favorite Pair of Shoes : My cowgirl boots.

My Hair : It's long, curly, brown and it has strands of blond, light brown, and red.  (It's naturally like that.)

My Weaknesses : spending money on electronics, candy, Coca Cola, purses, shoes

My Goals : To be a great wife, raise children, have a nice family and use my talents to advance the kingdom.

My Perfect Pizza : Thin crust, not too much sauce, cheese, pineapple and sausage.  Yum!

My most overused phrase on AIM : lol

My thoughts when I'm first waking up : "It looks like such a beautiful day outside!  I can't wait to go out and stretch my legs and.....Ahh!...I slept until 1:30?!"

My current worry : Living the rest of my life feeling like this and not able to function.

My plans tomorrow: I have a class at 7 and errands to run during the day.  I've got to make sure I get a nap in so that I don't fall asleep during Eubanks lecture.  Plus, I've got to remember to send my friend Nate a happy birthday.

My best physical feature : my eyes or my hair  (both get commented on frequently.  Little old ladies love my hair.)

My bedtime : between 11:30pm and 12am

My greatest accomplishment : Not being vain on silly internet surveys.

Do I cuss? : I don't give a flying Bono about cussing!  (thanks Kristen and Mike)

Have I ever been in love? : Yes.  One word for you.  Ouch.

Do you want to get married? : Uh, yeah.

Do you believe in love at first sight?  I do....but Will doesn't.  hahaha

Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? : Yeah, and the left ones too!

Do you like to take baths? : I adore them.

Do I like talking on the phone? : Only when I can't talk to that person face to face.  Then I enjoy having their company over the phone.

Do you like thunderstorms? : Yes, I love them.  I think they give us a glimpse of God's power and majesty. 

Can you play an instrument? : I'm a piano, recorder, flute, violin, guitar dropout.  Playing music wasn't my thing....listening was my thing.

Favorite Fruit : apples

Favorite Vegetable : broccoli

Favorite music to fall asleep to : I have a whole sleep mix that I usually put in.  But, Coldplay works well.

Favorite time of the day : Dusk...and Night

Favorite thing to do right before bed?  Taking my sleeping pill and drinking a big glass of water.

Favorite Car: Well, I like my car alot.  But if I could have any car it would be a Chevy Tahoe...or some sort of truck.

Favorite thing to say when I'm mad : Ugh!

Favorite Era : easy....1940s

Favorite Horror Movie : The Poltergeist

Favorite Holiday : Christmas

Favorite Season : Fall...duh!  College football and nice weather! 

Favorite Food : Steak

Favorite Drink : Milk

Favorite Cheap Beer : Lonestar

Favorite High Dolla Beer : Shiner Bock

Favorite News Source : Matt Drudge

Favorite Website :  I could not live without Google.