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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Stephen King
Robin just had a blog about movies. I also love John Turturro! I agree...everyone needs to see O Brother, Where Art Thou?. It is a wonderful picture! Pete and Delmar make that film.

However, I'm blogging about her post because I just saw Secret Window. I enjoyed that film too. Johnny Depp did a wonderful job always. Despite my Johnny Depp boycott last year, I'm really growing to appreciate him as an actor.

Anyway...back to Secret Window... Will someone please explain to me what the big Stephen King draw is? My mother also thought that the film had a 'Stephen King ending'. However, I'm come to the conclusion that a film with a 'Stephen King ending' is a film with no ending at all.

I saw the twist coming in Secret Window. So it was really kind of lame if you think about it. I don't know...maybe I'm just comparing it to Depp's past didn't stack up, in my opinion.

Aside from Stephen King?s weekly column in Entertainment Weekly, I think that I?m not too thrilled with him.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:12 PM CST
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