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Monday, April 26, 2004
bros before hos
Will kindly reminded me last night that, since I was one of the guys, I needed to keep my bros before my hos. Lovely.

I really do like being one of the guys.

Also, Will told me last night not to f**k with a certain guy in my life. I quickly replied that I was more likely to f**k him then f**k with him.

We both laughed heartily. Then he dared me to blog it. Hahaha...

from the mouth of Jen at 9:11 PM CDT
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Mourners Mark Chernobyl's 18th Anniversary
Chernobyl was truy a terrible disaster of our time. So, for my generation, who is too young to remember it, please educate yourself.

Mourners Mark Chernobyl's 18th Anniversary
By ANNA MELNICHUK, Associated Press Writer

KIEV, Ukraine - Mourners laid flowers and lit candles in gatherings across the former Soviet Union Monday to mark the 18th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, which spread radiation over much of northern Europe.

In all, 7 million people in the former Soviet republics of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine are believed to have suffered physical or psychological injuries from the April 26, 1986, catastrophe, when reactor No. 4 at Chernobyl nuclear plant exploded and caught fire.

An area roughly half the size of Colorado was contaminated by the accident, forcing the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of people and ruining some of Europe's most fertile farmland.

In the capital Kiev, some 80 miles south of the Chernobyl plant, hundreds of Ukrainians on Monday filled the small chapel dedicated to the disaster's victims at 1:23 a.m. local time, the exact time of the explosion.

Later, they laid flowers and lit candles at a small hill where marble plaques inscribed with the names of hundreds of victims are laid.

And nearly 1,000 mourners gathered in the afternoon at Kiev's Chernobyl memorial, a soaring statue of five falling metallic swans. Some placed flowers and photos of deceased relatives at its base.

"Nothing can be compared with a mother's sorrow," said Praskoviya Nezhyvova, an elderly retiree clutching a black-framed photograph of her son, Viktor. She said he died of Chernobyl-related stomach cancer in 1990 at age 44.

Volodymyr Diunych, a driver who took members of the hastily recruited and inadequately equipped cleanup crews to the site, recalled watching as residents were evacuated "in an awful rush" days after the disaster.

Ukraine shuttered Chernobyl's last working reactor in December 2000.

But Ukrainian experts say that the concrete-and-steel shelter hastily constructed over the damaged reactor following the accident needs urgent repairs. Authorities say the reactor site is safe.

As of early 2004, more than 2.3 million people, including 452,000 children, had been hospitalized in Ukraine with illnesses blamed on the disaster, according to Ukraine's Health Ministry. Ukraine has registered some 4,400 deaths in connection with the accident.

Many of those injured in the explosion or displaced by its fallout complain the government is doing little to help them.

Sergei Shchvetsov, the head of Russia's Chernobyl Union, was quoted as saying by the ITAR-Tass news agency that 40,000 people disabled by the clean up operations after the blast live in Russia and the "volume of benefits to which (they) are eligible is narrowing every year."

In Minsk, the capital of Belarus, about 1,000 people held an unauthorized rally to mark the anniversary and protest what they said was the government's weakening of programs to help Chernobyl victims.

"We're beginning to die like flies and the state's not reacting," said Georgy Lepin, who said he was part of the cleanup crew.

The government is allowing vegetables from the most-contaminated region of Belarus to be sold in the less-affected areas, alleged Ivan Nikitchenko, a member of the Belarus Academy of Sciences.

The most frequently noted Chernobyl-related diseases include thyroid and blood cancer and cancerous growths. There have also been numerous reports of mental disorders resulting from the disaster.

The United Nations said in a statement that in some areas of Belarus, thyroid cancer among children has increased more than 100-fold since the accident.

from the mouth of Jen at 7:58 PM CDT
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sleepy day
Today I slept all day today. So, I don't really feel like blogging. ;-)

from the mouth of Jen at 6:41 PM CDT
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Sunday, April 25, 2004
The lyrics below just became really personal this year. I know I'm going all Christine on you guys by posting lyrics, but she's pretty cool so I think I can do that.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:46 PM CDT
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My Immortal
i'm so tired of being here
suppressed by all of my childish fears
and if you have to leave
i wish that you would just leave
because your presence still lingers here
and it won't leave me alone

these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase

when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears
and i've held your hand through all of these years
but you still have all of me

you used to captivate me
by your resonating light
but now i'm bound by the life you left behind
your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams
your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

these wounds won't seem to heal
this pain is just too real
there's just too much that time cannot erase

when you cried i'd wipe away all of your tears
when you'd scream i'd fight away all of your fears
and i've held your hand through all of these years
but you still have all of me

i've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
and though you're still with me
i've been alone all along

from the mouth of Jen at 9:46 PM CDT
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is that wedding bells ringing?
...ok, I wish. But I did scope my Aunt's and my Grandmother's wedding dresses today. I love my Grandmother's dress. I think it's spectacular. Too much lace for it to hold up enough for me to wear it. But I'd love to get one like it. It has this wonderful lace coat that goes over it.


I'm so single.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:34 PM CDT
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Friday, April 23, 2004
Attention Fuq
Just read the below blog as "Reasons to Move Back to Texas," because we all love you and miss you.

from the mouth of Jen at 10:08 PM CDT
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So, I?m feeling guilty about the blog below this one. I wasn't beating up on Texas. I love Texas. Anyone who knows me knows that I?m like the number one Texas chick who is always telling people how wonderful it is. (Though there was a brief period of time when I was going to move so I could go to school in Oklahoma?but I?m past that phase.)

Anyway, here are some reasons I think Texas Kicks Ass!

1. The wildflowers are stunning in the Spring.
2. You can camp here year round.
3. If you want to taste what BBQ was like before the fall of man, head to Luling, Texas. Best BBQ in the world!
4. The ?He needed killing? defense.
5. Cowboys.
6. Cowboy butts. *girn*
7. State Pride.
8. No state income tax.
9. Our state flag is awesome.
10. Thanksgiving means the Aggies vs. the Longhorns.
11. Owning wire cutters is still illegal.
12. Bonfire banned at Texas A&M so students protest by having it anyway?this time, totally unsupervised.
13. Guns
14. Lonestar Beer.
15. Shiner Bock.
16. Road trips rock?and you don?t ever have to leave the state.
17. It?s God?s Country.
18. Our cops wear cowboy hats.
19. Entertaining news stories.
20. Lots of Military men stationed here. (Woohoo, Men in uniform.)
21. Spitting in public places is acceptable.
22. Country Music bars.
23. Western Music bars.
24. It?s socially known that ?country? & ?western? are two different types of music.
25. We know how good Mexican food tastes.
26. People here know that ?all y?all? is the proper plural form of ?y?all?.
27. You have to be going more than 8 miles over the speed limit before a cop is going to pull you over.
28. Having boobs generally gets you out of tickets from State Troopers.
29. Texas swang.
30. Robert Earl Keen.
31. Most people know all the words to ?Up Against the Wall Redneck Mother? by the time they graduate from high school.
32. Until recent Supreme Court decision, sodomy was still illegal!
33. Blue Bell Ice Cream

from the mouth of Jen at 10:03 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, April 23, 2004 10:08 PM CDT
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Texas women are crazy
So, tonight, since I was home alone, I decided the best thing I could do was watch a creepy Dateline about a girl in East Texas disappearing. Thankfully, my parental units arrived home shortly after I finished the program. But, all in all, the program got me thinking. There must be something in the water here. Here are five examples of crazy Texas cases that have gained national attention inthe last two years. And yes, four of these were in Houston?

Clara Harris: Texas dentist was sentenced to 20 years in prison in for killing her husband, David Harris, an orthodontist. In July 2002, Clara ran over David with her Mercedes-Benz after she discovered he was continuing an affair with his receptionist despite his promises to end it. She then parked the car on his chest as she got out and begged for him to ?keep breathing?. (Might have been a little easier without a Mercedes Benz parked on his chest.)

Andrea Pia Yates: Texas mother, was convicted in March of capital murder in the 2001 deaths of three of her five children, Noah, 7, John, 5, and Mary, 6 months. (She was not on trial for the deaths of Luke, 3, and Paul, 2). Yates reportedly suffered from postpartum depression. She was convicted of methodically drowning the children in the family's bathtub, and sentenced to life in prison.

Chante Mallard: Texas nurse, convicted of murder for hitting a man with her car and leaving him impaled in her windshield to die. (She drove with him in the windshield.) Mallard then, had sex with her boyfriend before they decided that should dispose of the body. She buried him in a park and?got caught.

Susan Wright: Texas woman, former topless dancer, who killed husband, Jeffrey Wright, 34, in self-defense after suffering years of spousal abuse. Wright stabbed her tied-up husband 193 times. She seductively tied his ankles and wrists to their bed before stabbing him, burying his body in a shallow hole he had dug to install a fountain in their back yard, and cleaning and painting the bedroom to cover up the crime.

Waynetta Nolan: Houston woman who ran down a McDonald?s restaurant manager in a hit-and-run because her request for mayo on her cheeseburger was initially refused. Nolan received 10 years in prison for the crime. Nolan, 37, has said she didn't mean to run over Sherry Jenkins, who was dragged across the burger chain's parking lot during the incident and broke her pelvis. After ordering at the drive-thru April 23, Nolan became angry when she was told the restaurant's cheeseburgers didn't come with mayonnaise. Witnesses said she threw the burger back through the drive-thru window. She also testified she thought she'd just rolled over "a bump."

Well, that's all I have off the top of my head. No wonder Mike and Kristen are moving!

from the mouth of Jen at 9:48 PM CDT
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text message
Last night I got this text message after talking on the phone for an hour before I went to bed. It said...

"B 4 We got off the phone U said U already gave me an hour. Can I have 500,000 more? U do the math. Nite."


That's so sweet. I feel bad for letting him go so early now! (I was asleep by 11 last night. It was crazy!)

Oh, and I did do the math...

That's 20,834 days of talking.


Just over 57 years of talking, non-stop.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:16 AM CDT
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