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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
bengay, pizza and...yuck
Begay so I can sleep with my Fibromyalgia pain: $6

Pepperoni pizza from last night: $5

Realizing what Bengay tastes like because you rolled out of bed and didn't wash your hands before eating: Priceless.

Actually, the truly priceless thing was probably the look on my face.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:52 AM CDT
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Monday, May 10, 2004
baby? not yet, thank you.
I'm so glad that I'm still a virgin. I've been feeling so nauseous lately that I'd wonder if I was pregnant otherwise. It's like this all the time, "I might just hurl up this meal so don't say goodbye to it so quickly," type feeling. Arg!

My mother keeps telling me to drink Ginger Ale. But, I hate ginger. *pout*

from the mouth of Jen at 3:16 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, May 10, 2004 3:19 PM CDT
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for the record
I just want to say, liturgy kicks butt!

I've been doing a ton of thinking about my own personal spiritual life lately. This was the only thought that I had that wasn't depressing. So, I thought I'd share.

Otherwise, it's been a very slow day. Still sick. Still hanging around the house. I ventured down to the mailbox but it wore me out. I think I might go back to bed after I put in another load of laundry.

from the mouth of Jen at 3:14 PM CDT
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Sunday, May 9, 2004
Abby, Ning, JohnPeek, and Chase graduated this weekend. I hate to break this to you guys...but this does mean that you acutally have to work for a living now! :-* I'm sending mad amounts of love your way! Sorry I wasn't there.

from the mouth of Jen at 1:52 PM CDT
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I'm sorry that I've not attended graduations, weddings, and other social events as of late. I've been really sick and I've spent my days totally doped up on vicodin. Thanks for understanding. I love you guys!

from the mouth of Jen at 1:50 PM CDT
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Friday, May 7, 2004
Greg and Julie had their baby. Thomas Allen was born today at 12:41pm. Mom and baby are fine, happy and healthy. They will behome on Sunday.

from the mouth of Jen at 10:12 PM CDT
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If there is a man out there who feels like buying my love...start with this! This is a yummy piece of ice I saw on ebay. (Give me a break...I can't sleep.)

from the mouth of Jen at 6:34 AM CDT
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Life is so complicated. It?s taken me twenty years to learn this. Just when I think that I have life figured out, I get thrown this amazingly huge curveball. Not that it?s any one curveball in particular that I have on my mind right now. I mean, frankly?I?ve been thrown quite a few lately.








Each of them have managed to suck in their own special and unique ways.


I have this great man in my life?who wants to be a bigger part of it. But I?m so hesitant to jump into a new relationship. The idea of getting into one right now, so shortly after ending my last one, bothers me. I mean, the idea of a rebound relationship seems to be a commonly accepted. But I?m not happy with that. And, if I?m going to rebound with somebody, I do not want it to be him. He?s just such a fabulous guy. I really do have great respect and adoration for him.

I mean, would the 11 year old count as my rebound? (For those of you who don?t know?he was not 11 years old?he was 11 years older than me.) It?s not like the fling with the 11 year old went anywhere. We talked a lot. We almost went out. But them he told me that he was coming to town to see me. Way good! And that he got a hotel room for us. Way not so good!

How many men is too many men? Am I truly just a slut? Or am I just being normal?and getting to know other guys in my life. I mean, I don?t count every random eating out as a serious date. But there are other people in my life who do. So, then, if you rack up my date counter in the last three months?it?d be up to like?well?six. Six! That seems like not that many to me. That is less than a date a week. And I?m twenty! Give me a freakin? break.

Oh well, that is my rant about life at the moment. I wish I could sleep. *groan*

from the mouth of Jen at 5:37 AM CDT
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
Did you ever feel like you met the person you could spend the rest of your life with but the timing was just off?

from the mouth of Jen at 12:57 PM CDT
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Wednesday, May 5, 2004
my two cents on the war
Yesterday Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld held a press conference. There was a reporter there that brought up an interesting point?.

Why are the abuses of Iraqi prisoners a terrible thing, but the abuses of Iraqi civilians were ok?

So basically, we are more evil than Saddam Hussein.

Now, I?m in no way justifying what these soldiers are doing?if they are abusing Iraqi prisoners. However, all I?m saying is that it?s a little odd that France stands up now upset about the ten or so people that might have been abused by us. But the thousands of people who died under Saddam?s regime weren?t worth it to them.

Not to sound all pro Iraqi war on you. I mean, I was not for the war. But, I am for actually letting our leaders of this country lead. I didn?t have all the intelligence information that they did. And I was for taking Saddam out of power. His crimes against humanity were horrific. If the U.S. is going to police the world (arg!) we?ve got the police the whole thing.

This is a really great website: Especially for those of you who are on the fence about the war. I may not have been in full support, but I do think it?s done more good than harm. This is hauntingly similar to what we found once we entered into Germany post WWII.

from the mouth of Jen at 10:22 PM CDT
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