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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Miss A-Dub
I will be attending church tomorrow so I can meet your parental units and see your sister. Just as long as no one sits me next to JohnPeek. I'm not in the mood for him to shock me on the way up to communion.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:42 PM CST
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crack and exercise
No, this is not a funny post about men wearing shorts too low when they exercise...sorry. Hoff and I decided that we need to take up a crack habit.

We also decided that Higbee needs to start exercising more. (His liver is way out of shape!)

from the mouth of Jen at 9:40 PM CST
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I would really like to visit Salzburg. Maybe it's just because I'm such a Mozart buff. Does it bother anyone else in the world that his intials are "WAM"?

I've been listening to his Requim for weeks now. Pure genuis! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, make sure you go here and give my favorite part a listen. (Track 2) All the Mozart, on top of watching Amadeus and The Sound of Music is making me want to travel to Salzburg. Anybody out there long to finance me? I promise it will be an educational trip. Plus, I promise to make you one copy of every picture I take.

I know I'm dreaming. I know it will be years before I ever step foot in Europe. Then again, if I marry a wealthy man, it could happen quickly. Oh well, back to finding the loaded man of my dreams...

Doesn't the city look spectacular? I bet I could get someone to go with me. Maybe Robin? I know she likes Mozart.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:38 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:43 PM CST
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Stephen King
Robin just had a blog about movies. I also love John Turturro! I agree...everyone needs to see O Brother, Where Art Thou?. It is a wonderful picture! Pete and Delmar make that film.

However, I'm blogging about her post because I just saw Secret Window. I enjoyed that film too. Johnny Depp did a wonderful job always. Despite my Johnny Depp boycott last year, I'm really growing to appreciate him as an actor.

Anyway...back to Secret Window... Will someone please explain to me what the big Stephen King draw is? My mother also thought that the film had a 'Stephen King ending'. However, I'm come to the conclusion that a film with a 'Stephen King ending' is a film with no ending at all.

I saw the twist coming in Secret Window. So it was really kind of lame if you think about it. I don't know...maybe I'm just comparing it to Depp's past didn't stack up, in my opinion.

Aside from Stephen King?s weekly column in Entertainment Weekly, I think that I?m not too thrilled with him.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:12 PM CST
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Friday, March 26, 2004
my major
So right now my major is Public Relations. But I'm changing it to Graphic Design and Advertising. It's really pissing off my parental units. But, I don't care. I want to do what I will enjoy.

Should I respect their wishes and do what they want? It is my life...but they are paying for it. I'm really conflicted.

I've talked to Hoff and Val about this. But no one has been a super help. Maybe they just aren't telling me what I want to hear.

from the mouth of Jen at 8:14 PM CST
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let me add...
I'm not drinking since I'm on meds. :-) But I'm still having fun.

from the mouth of Jen at 8:04 PM CST
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It's Friday night. My aunt, my mother and I are having a girls night since the boys are all out of town. If you were hanging out with me you'd be drinking a Kamikaze and eating egg rolls!

from the mouth of Jen at 7:59 PM CST
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maybe it's me...

...but I just don't find this outfit classy. I mean, if you are going to be a mother, let's raise the neckline and not flash the twins to the entire world! Honestly!

I think that the style of the dress, as well as the colors, are wonderful! I love how it drapes her preggo form in all it's big, round glory.

I just don't care that this dress makes you look and see if it's slipped off too far! I really have to question a woman who is ok showing the world her nipple when she's not feeding her child...

However, mad props to Gwen on her earrings! Those I love and adore.

Now, let me clarify something... This is not a blog that says pregnant women can't be sexy. I think pregnant wome ooze sex. They do. They are spectacular! BUT YOU DO NOT NEED TO SHOW US YOUR BOOBS TO BE SEXY! In fact, I think that it takes away from your beauty. Who knows. Maybe once I'm pregnant I'll be flashing everyone and their brother. Hmm...

from the mouth of Jen at 11:08 AM CST
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Ok, so Nathanie has showed back up. Be sure to check out his pictures page. Not only does he have hottie cousins, but he also has funny commentary on everything.

from the mouth of Jen at 10:36 AM CST
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Thursday, March 25, 2004
i'm no archi...
...but this is ugly. This is a new stadium they are going to build in Manhattan. The fact that the Jets will play there is reason enough for us to hate this ugly thing.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:38 PM CST
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