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Monday, March 29, 2004
5 things I just don't care to hear anymore about...
1. JFK Jr. or anything that has to do with him or his wife.
2. What Richard Clarke thinks.
3. Janet Jackson's breast.
4. Gay marriage.
5. The Atkins Diet.

from the mouth of Jen at 6:53 PM CST
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Well, my mother almost convinced me to jump in the pool this weekend. I'm so glad I didn't the water would have been really cold. (She just needed someone to jump in and clean it fo her anyway.) I think she got my brother to go for it.

It made me want the warmer weather. I'm so ready to lay in the pool. Abby, we should host pool parties this summer, for sure!

from the mouth of Jen at 6:45 PM CST
Updated: Monday, March 29, 2004 6:46 PM CST
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Oven Gets Hot, Woman Gets Shot
SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - A Texas woman heating fish sticks was shot in the leg by a gun that had been stashed in her oven, police said.

Mon Mar 29,10:37 AM ET
Roxanne Perez, 29, was taken to a local hospital where she was in good condition, police said Friday.

They said a friend of hers had hidden the .357 caliber handgun in the stove two weeks earlier without telling her after she told him no guns were allowed in her house.

When Perez heated up the fish sticks she also heated up the gun, which caused several rounds to be fired. One hit her in the leg.

No charges have been filed because the shooting was accidental, police said.

What were they going to do? Charge Mrs. Paul?

from the mouth of Jen at 3:22 PM CST
Updated: Monday, March 29, 2004 6:33 PM CST
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Sunday, March 28, 2004
Our Postlude today was Bach's ?Jesu, Joy of Man?s Desiring?. I adore it! I think I'll play it at my wedding.

from the mouth of Jen at 2:41 PM CST
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going to Mars
Abby and I had a funny lunch moment. We both have a friend who works with NASA. (He's super smart, super cute and not married. Girls, send me your pictures! He's a great I really want to see him married.) He said that?d though they are projecting 2030 as the year we will be ready to go to Mars, it?s looking more like 2040. Immediately Abby and I calculated our ages? 56 and 63. Abby turned to me ?Ohmygosh Jenny! We might have grandchildren!? I quickly replied, ?We might be married!?

We erupted into laughter. *sigh* The life of a single Presbyterian girl.

from the mouth of Jen at 2:38 PM CST
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So today I lunched at Luling City Market with Abby, part of her family, and the CTK/Rice RUF group. A bunch of us decided that we wanted Mike and Kristen to come down, go to church with us and then have lunch with us. Apparently there are many of us who are avid readers of their blog and have fallen in love with it! We all discussed how excited we are about the baby and how much we are looking forward to more picture of the little one.

from the mouth of Jen at 2:31 PM CST
Updated: Monday, March 29, 2004 3:10 PM CST
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today's Song of Meditation
The church?s one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord;
She is his new creation by water and the Word:
From heav?n he came and sought her to be his holy bride;
With his own blood he bought her, and for her life he died.

I really love this hymn. It was nice to be back at church again...though I'm still having issues. I really need to go visit another church. However, with being sick and all, it's hard to think about leaving CTK. For so long it has really felt like home for me.

from the mouth of Jen at 2:24 PM CST
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Saturday, March 27, 2004
Miss A-Dub
I will be attending church tomorrow so I can meet your parental units and see your sister. Just as long as no one sits me next to JohnPeek. I'm not in the mood for him to shock me on the way up to communion.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:42 PM CST
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crack and exercise
No, this is not a funny post about men wearing shorts too low when they exercise...sorry. Hoff and I decided that we need to take up a crack habit.

We also decided that Higbee needs to start exercising more. (His liver is way out of shape!)

from the mouth of Jen at 9:40 PM CST
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I would really like to visit Salzburg. Maybe it's just because I'm such a Mozart buff. Does it bother anyone else in the world that his intials are "WAM"?

I've been listening to his Requim for weeks now. Pure genuis! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, make sure you go here and give my favorite part a listen. (Track 2) All the Mozart, on top of watching Amadeus and The Sound of Music is making me want to travel to Salzburg. Anybody out there long to finance me? I promise it will be an educational trip. Plus, I promise to make you one copy of every picture I take.

I know I'm dreaming. I know it will be years before I ever step foot in Europe. Then again, if I marry a wealthy man, it could happen quickly. Oh well, back to finding the loaded man of my dreams...

Doesn't the city look spectacular? I bet I could get someone to go with me. Maybe Robin? I know she likes Mozart.

from the mouth of Jen at 9:38 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, March 27, 2004 9:43 PM CST
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