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Thursday, April 8, 2004
blog from yesterday
So I'm so mad! I'm hanging out at Will's and his silly laptop won't let me blog. It's not accepting my password but I now it's right because I'm smart like that. Arg! It's really driving me crazy. I have so much to blog!

A professor at Rice told me I had nice rims. *sigh* It's nice to know that when professors aren't hitting on me, they are at least hitting on my car. Yay for spinning rims!

Will and I have hung out all afternoon. I forgot how nice and comfortable life is with Will. We decided that, for all logical purposes, we should marry. However, that would gross us out...and be like incest. 'coz Will's my brotha...yo!

We did our typical bitch about life and go to Chili's routine. It was swell. Plus, I brought Will lots of beer to enjoy. He said he was tired of drinking Guinness. I brought in two kinds of Shiner and some Hiney.

I've made a big decision in my life. I'm going to stop talking to my ex-boyfriend. I just don't think that it's good for me anymore. I loved him and he treated me like dirt...and trampled all over my heart. And yet, for some reason, I still adore him and do things to try and please me. What is up with that? Why are girls that way? I usually talk down about girls who are like that...and yet, here I am, doing just that. It drives me crazy. I think the only way to make things better is to force myself to stay away. But I won't rant about him too much. That's Will's department. ;-)

Oh....the 11yr old is old news as well.

I guess it's back to professors for me...Fuq will be so glad. He already thinks I'm regressing anyway. After all, I am leaving the PCA. See what happens when he takes his good influence all the way to Pittsburgh?

In other news...I think that Will, JohnPeek, Keri and I are going out for drinks tonight. That should be fun. I drove past the shady place Will wants us to go. I think that sometimes he forgets I'm a lady and treats me like another one of the guys. It's all good. But I do have my limits. ;-)

My mother and I got in a huge fight today. What else is new? I'm so royally tired of living at home. I *must* move out as soon as possible. Then again, I've been trying to do that since I was 15. It's all good...I had banking to do so I was able to escape off to the bank and cool down a bit.

You know what song I love? "Tipsy" by J-Kwon. What's up with that? I keep hearing these songs and thinking that they would be great to drink to. I think I'm going through alcohol withdrawal now that I can't drink anymore.

Will has this cool paper weight thing on his desk from the Guinness brewery. Why do my blogs always seem to rotate around booze? I promise I don't drink that much. You can ask Tricia. She thought that I was a total boozer before she met me. Now she knows how sweet and charming I can be. :-)

*yawn* I've been typing for about 15mins but for some reason it feels like 3 hours. I'm really sleepy. I think that I need a nap.

One of Will's roommates is here. I'm not sure who it is. But he hasn't said hello to me yet so it's all good. I think it's Sam. He's the one I'm going to marry in Vegas. Woohoo! Me and Britney.

Speaking of Britney...someone just told me a few days ago that she was a ho. It's not like I didn't know this. I think that she is my guilty pleasure. I know it's so wrong to listen to bad pop music. But it's so fun!

I'm not looking forward to Easter this year. No one in my family wants to get together yet, we all feel the need to for my grandmother's sake. There is nothing more fun than hanging out with people who don't want to hang out with you.

I'm wondering if my Sam experience will be any fun. It can't be any worse than living at home.

Well, I'm going to put my head down on Will's desk and try to catch a few z's before we go out. I'll have to blog this later since Angelfire is being a dork. Arg!

from the mouth of Jen at 10:29 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, April 8, 2004 10:49 AM CDT
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
country lovin' & tequila
I think I'd like to have the kind of love that only exists in country songs. You know, a cute man with a truck and a dog. Adoring me and buying me cheap beer. Oh sounds like Heaven.

In other news I've been linked by the Lovely Christine. Wow! I'm feeling the love. For some reason I love her blog. It's like reading Cosmo...only better. Maybe someday I'll drag my butt up to TAMU to meet her. I think we should get Robin to do Tequila shots. :-D

from the mouth of Jen at 8:34 PM CDT
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cookies and classes
My mother decided to stay home today to get some stuff around the house done. She's baking cookies. I love how great a house smells when something is baking. I can't wait to be a mommy and stay home and bake for my family. *sigh* Oh well, back to reading about Art.

I'm really loving my classes right now. I should have really great classes this fall as well. I love all this art stuff. I can't believe this is an acutal degree! :-)

from the mouth of Jen at 2:44 PM CDT
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Monday, April 5, 2004
prayer request
Please pray for traveling saftey for Michael, Kristen and Little Miss Stewart. They are in Lanchaster, PA for Michael's job interview. This sounds like a mega-cool position so I hope that he gets it. Plus, I give mad props to anyone who teaches algebra. I had trouble learning it...I can't imagine teaching it.

If things work out it will be sad to see them leave Texas, but it seems to be a good family move. ;-) So, pray for all three Stewarts. And pray that God makes their future paths clear.

from the mouth of Jen at 7:41 PM CDT
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one last thought
I love knowing that I can call Will at 2am and talk to him about how to run our own communist island...and that he will roll out of bed and discuss it with me. *sigh* It's nice having friends like that.

from the mouth of Jen at 4:36 PM CDT
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Writing an autobiography is harder than you'd think! I really struggled with it. Oh well, at least I was able to come up with one:

from the mouth of Jen at 4:35 PM CDT
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I'm going to nap because I did too much yesterday and now I feel yucky. I've got to learn to pace myself!

from the mouth of Jen at 4:35 PM CDT
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The links to my new Man Page at the bottom of the left frame. :-)

from the mouth of Jen at 2:03 PM CDT
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Sunday, April 4, 2004
Coria vs. Roddick
I love tennis! I could lay here all day and watch it...and I might, since my back is killing me! I must be drugged because I laughed my butt off today when a thought came to me: Love means nothing to a tennis player.

from the mouth of Jen at 1:08 PM CST
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Saturday, April 3, 2004
Uncle Joe's Farm
Today I went to my Uncle?s farm. We had a big family gathering up there to celebrate the birthdays of Joe and I. We had a blast. I?m soooo worn out! The bluebonnets are gorgeous this year. The weather was spectacular for us. We thought it was going to rain but it didn?t.

My Aunt made me a lovely crown of flowers to wear for my birthday. We also walked out to the stables to see where my horse is going to go. Anyone who wants to help back me financially and pay for my horse can send their checks to me. :-)

I have pictures uploaded of our night. Check them out here. I?m going to bed right now. My cousin and I were on his ATV and he flipped me off the back of it. My back and neck are killing me. Not to mention that I have a headache the size of Texas! I seriously thought I was going to break my neck. I had this moment of terror as my life flashed before my eyes and I flipped over the back of the ATV. I?m ok now but I know I?ll wake up stiff in the morning.

Jake said that I deserved it for wearing chandelier earrings and rhinestone flip-flops. (I wasn?t planning on getting all dirty and ATVing.) I honestly never thought I?d have something in common with Ozzy Osbourne. No wonder he was in the hospital so long! You can get hurt playing with big toys. (And we weren?t even paintballing it!)

I decided it was in my best interest to leave before they built the bonfire. I can get over a bruise and some muscle sprains. A burn?I can live without.

I also decided to put up pictures of Sarah and I at the HLSR. Not that anyone will care since only Sarah and I went?but anyway?they are there because I wanted to get them off my camera. The all-time paid attendance record for a RODEOHOUSTON performance was broken on March 17 with a crowd of 70,668 filling Reliant Stadium to see world championship rodeo action and a concert by Kenny Chesney...and we were there.

from the mouth of Jen at 7:50 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, April 3, 2004 7:53 PM CST
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