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Monday, April 12, 2004
I'm in a ton of pain today. I spent most of the day in bed. I had a brief period of excitment where I went to get the mail and put our neighbors doggies back in there house. I think I'm going to go back to bed right now...

from the mouth of Jen at 4:08 PM CDT
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
events that happened this day in history
1803 - French Foreign Minister Charles Maurice de Talleyrand makes an offer to sell all of Louisiana Territory to the United States.

1917 ? Scott Joplin died

1945 - The U.S. army liberates Buchenwald concentration camp

1970 ? Apollo 13 Launched

1970 ? Paul McCartney formally announced the breakup of The Beatles

from the mouth of Jen at 8:40 PM CDT
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path to paganism
So lately I?ve been feeling like I?m the only person in my family who isn?t spiraling down a path to paganism. This greatly disturbs me. A lot of personality changes have come along with them on this journey.

Let?s look at the facts?

1. They no longer attend a church.
2. My father took my brother to Hooters when they were in Nawlins?and they talk about it all the time like it was a good thing.
3. They have started drinking excessively. My father was drunk out of his mind last night. It was sad.
4. They are now smoking in the house.

Now, I know that all of these things might not seem like a huge deal. But to see where they have come from, it?s a major deal. Don?t get me wrong, I understand some of their frustrations with the church, but I don?t think this is the solution. It?s really sad. The worst thing is that it?s making me feel like the weird one because I haven?t changed all that much.

I wish things would change up a bit. Well, I shall just have to keep praying about it. Maybe in time things will get better. If not, at least family reunions will be interesting.

from the mouth of Jen at 8:22 PM CDT
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He's so cute. I'm so glad he won. He's my favorite. Am I a total nerd for watching golf on tv?

from the mouth of Jen at 7:35 PM CDT
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Easter Mass
So I went to Mass today with my grandmother. The Catholic Church just isn't for me. I don't care for their theology...for obvious reasons. But, this still doesn't fix my church situation. I'm just feeling like I'm not fitting in well anywhere. This is a major point of frustration in my life. Hopefully, if I keep pressing on, and with lots of prayer, this situation will work itself out. I just want to find a church that can be my church home. Not just a place that I attend services.

from the mouth of Jen at 4:40 PM CDT
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My friend Ning has great LOTR style posters for her recitals. I *love* them. Ning is so great. I think she is one of the coolest girls I know! I'm so glad that she has a blog so that I can keep up with her after graduation this year.

See her LOTR Recital posters:

from the mouth of Jen at 4:34 PM CDT
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I so want to chizill with these gals!

from the mouth of Jen at 2:04 AM CDT
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Sounds like President Bush knew all about these attacks and did nothing in his power to stop them. *not*

I'm so freakin' irritates with people. Do they really thinka President would not stop a major terrorist attack? How on earth can something like that be good for our country, good for his image, and good PR?

Oh well, it still doesn't change the fact that I *don't* want to vote for President Bush. However, my own personal convictions make me feel awful about not voting for him. I just don't know if I can vote for carry. I can I support a man who is ok with killing babies? Or isn't he? Or is he? Or isn't he?


from the mouth of Jen at 1:52 AM CDT
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Angelfire messed up my title...

It was to read: "I hope you have a great, bunny hoppin', egg decorating, ham eating, Ten Commandments watching, church going, lilly gazing, chocolate eating day!"

from the mouth of Jen at 1:43 AM CDT
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I can't drink anymore. I think this is sad. It's taken a large part of joy out of my Friday nights. Heck! For that matter, it's taken a large part of joy out of my weeknights. MS drugs suck. Oh well, God gave me MS for a reason. Perhaps it was to learn to practice self control. Let us all pause for a moment of silence to recognize the passing of my drinking days...

*respectful pause*

Thank you.

from the mouth of Jen at 1:41 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, April 11, 2004 1:44 AM CDT
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