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Thursday, April 22, 2004

from the mouth of Jen at 9:08 PM CDT
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Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Is anyone else having this problem?

BTW...whenever I click on "comments" it closes my browser windows. When I re-open your blog and click on "comments" again, it works. Just thought I'd let you know.

I can't believe I'm asking because it's not like I even have enough knowledge to fix it...but I feel like it's my duty to make your blog reading experience pleasurable. So, if you are having blog issues, please let me know!

from the mouth of Jen at 1:38 PM CDT
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sorry Fuq
I'm eating your jellybeans. I'm working today and needed a good sugar fix. ;-) Looks like you will just have to wait until next Easter to get jellybeans from me.

from the mouth of Jen at 1:35 PM CDT
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Tuesday, April 20, 2004
my dream date
I think that this is something important that I should blog. I need to put down on paper?err?screen my dream date. Every girl has one. So, I?m going to give you guys mine.

Movies are a bad date option. Guys, don?t do this unless you are going to go out afterward. Taking a girl to a movie doesn?t allow you to talk and get to know her. Unless you are just trying to get into her pants, or you already know her very well, don?t go there.

My dream date would be lying under the stars and talking. Sound corny? Maybe so. Let me paint you a better picture. So the guy I?m dating would pick me up in his truck. (Of course?Trucks are sexy!) We?d drive out of town a bit until we go someplace that you could actually see the stars on a nice clear night. He would have packed pillows and a blanket for us to lie on. You know nothing too forward. Just so we were comfortable. We?d lie in the bed of his truck and just talk about life as we looked at the stars. If you wanted to make it a dinner date you could have packed some soup and fresh bread. This would be especially a good option on a cool night. Hot chocolate would be ok too. (The east way to do this is to get la Madeleine takeout. Tomato Basil Soup with a side of fresh fruit. Yum!)

We would sit and talk about life all night. There *might* be some nice, sweet, gentle, soft kisses in the truck before we pack up and he takes me home. I just think it'd be the coolest date ever. It is my dream date. Romantic, creative, sexy and enjoyable. Now all I have to do is date a guy who reads my blog? Forget that! I just need to find a hopeless romantic (like myself) to date. Yeah, that will work. Anyone know a hopeless romantic they can hook me up with?

from the mouth of Jen at 12:30 PM CDT
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hottie in a wife-beater
No, this isn't a blog about Josh Strodtbeck. Sorry girls. You need to go to his website if you want that, or if you need a good Lutheran rant.

The guy I'm talking about wasn't hot...though he thought he was. He was wearing a wife-beater. Which, in all honesty, is something that I never considered wearing when I was traveling. Hmm... Something I'll have to think about the next time I get on a plane. *not*

Val had to work yesterday so she dropped me off at the airport on her way. I got there really early, but I didn't mind. I was forced to sit and do some reading. ;-) So this guy, walks over to me and sits down next to me. There were about 50million other seats in the terminal, so I knew he was going to try and talk to me. He did. He leaned over me and talked to me about my cell phone.

Now, I hate to be one to judge a person by something they are wearing. But this guy didn't impress me. I just wasn't in the mood to be nice to this guy. As it was, I was dreading getting on the plane. I just wanted to be able to close my eyes and be home. So I was polite. I talked to this guy about my cell phone. But then I crossed my legs and just kept quiet. I decided that I'd leave conversation up to him. He sat there for a few more...rather awkward...moments before getting up to walk the terminal.

I'm not sure why he hit on me. I was wearing a short skirt, makeup and flipping though a magazine. I had on that blue shirt I wear that makes everyone stare at my eyes. Maybe it was something like that? I don't know. But he also looked older. Not that I couldn't date an older man. Now that I'm 20, I feel like any age is ok now. I mean, when a girl is in her teens she really can't go above 29. It's just not seen the best way.

Maybe I should go back to being anti-social, wearing my thick framed glasses, putting my hair up in a twist and looking all intellectual. Yeah, maybe then I won't get hit on in airports. Or, at least if I do...maybe it will be by a nice businessman.


studmuffin in suit + laptop computer + good smelling cologne = TOTAL HOTTIE

Ladies, repeat after me: "I will not have lustful thoughts about men in suits who have nice electronics. I will not have lustful thoughts about men in suits who have nice electronics. I will not have lustful thoughts about men in suits who have nice electronics. I will not have..."

from the mouth of Jen at 12:28 PM CDT
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Monday, April 19, 2004
see my trip
Not much to see, but there are pictures up. I'll blog more about the trip later.

from the mouth of Jen at 11:25 PM CDT
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girlie fun
We had a nice, slow, easy, fun girls night. We painted our nails, watched a great movie with a muscle kiss, read magazines...and did stuff like that.

My sleeping pill is kicking in so I'm getting really drowsy and I'm having a hard time remembering what I was going to type here.

I'll be home tomorrow. Ciao!

from the mouth of Jen at 1:34 AM CDT
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
Jeff Gordon is hot
So, I went to see an IMAX today with Val. We saw the NASCAR 3-d movie. It was really great. I honestly can't tell you how much I enjoyed it. I mean, there was so much cool stuff that even Will would appreciate it.

Val and I are so sad. I can almost hear The Fuq laughing at us all the way from Pittsburgh. Now we just need to find guys who will go to a race with us. We didn't feel safe going alone.

I never knew there was so much science involved in the whole racing thing. Now I'm wishing I took Physics in high school...ok...maybe not... But there was still some really great stuff in it.

Not to mention the nifty glasses we got to wear. Val and I looked even cooler than we thought we would. So cool that Val wouldn't even let me take a picture of her! ;-) Now we are off to do something. I'm not sure what yet. But we've got to do something until 'Pimp My Ride' comes on MTV tonight.

from the mouth of Jen at 2:14 PM CDT
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Saturday, April 17, 2004
a baby on the way mine. Though, my parental units would fly through the roof. That would be funny!

Today was Julie's baby shower. It was nice. I hadn't seen Christy since the last baby shower. It seems that we only get together at weddings and baby showers. But, she's actually really cool.

Julie is such a cute pregnant lady. I hope she has lots of babies. They are naming this baby Seth Allen. I like that. It will go nice with Alexander. He's getting so huge! I don't know how Julie runs after him all day with her new baby on the way. He's way cute. I love how kids can be bought nice and expensive toys and yet enjoy the cardboard box they came in ten times more!

I don't think I've ever had someone say to me, "Take your nipple." *sigh* Baby shower games.

All is well in Norman. It's sad that I'm not going to school up here anymore. Too bad Greg is working nights now. I would have loved it if he was awake so we could make fun of his bushes. (He made this big deal about the landscaping he was doing...and he planted two tiny bushes in the front yard...and just put them in the nice dirt or anything.) It was so "Greg" of him.

Having fun but looking forward to being home...

from the mouth of Jen at 11:43 PM CDT
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about a movie
Val got me the movie About A Boy for my birthday. (Along with some other stuff.) I like this movie. I'm mean, it's not the best in the world, but HUGH GRANT IS SO CUTE! Ok, know, I'm not digging the whole, I got caught with a prostitute with a bad porn name, I chain smoke, I sleep around, and I date models thing he has going on. But as far as older men go, I think he was one of my first. I know that doesn't sound like much. I almost feel as if my first May/December crush was a coming of age. Val thinks it's just sick...

Anyway, thanks for the birthday gifts Val. ;-)

from the mouth of Jen at 11:26 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, April 17, 2004 11:43 PM CDT
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