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Qualities My Man

Must Have

  1. He must be a Christian.  For the simple reason that we need to have the same outlook on life.  My faith is responsible for my thoughts on everything
  2. He must have a sense of humor.  A man who can keep me laughing and appreciate my odd sense of humor will truly win my heart.  Humor and sarcasm can bring you through hard times.
  3. He must be somewhat intelligent.  I need to marry a guy who won't look at me and say, "huh," after I rant to him about some current event.  I have an active mind and I want him to have one too.
  4. He must want to have children.  Now, I totally understand why I have friends who say that they'll never have kids.  The youth of America are very disappointing.  However, just because one person's kid throws a tantrum in a grocery store, and it's ok, doesn't mean that my kid will get away with it.  That being said, I'd like to have kids.  I want to stay home, raise my kids, and take care of our household.  I do not want to be in the workplace for the rest of my life.  Maybe before my kids are born and after they leave home.  I'd like to stay home with my kids and parent them.  It would be great if my husband were likeminded on the subject.
  5. He must accept my family.  Now, I'm not saying that he must love and adore them.  But he's got to try to get along with them and actually have a working relationship with them.  I've seen so man messed up situations due to people just not getting along,  We are adults!  Let's grow up and try to get along.  (Not that my family sucks...they are easy to get along with.  I'm sure this won't be a problem.,)
  6. He must realize that money can't buy me love.  I'll love him unconditionally!  But don't leave me hanging with some bouquet of flowers to express something.  Tell me what you are thinking and feeling.  Don't try to love me through the possessions you buy me.  Just chill out, give me a hug, and tell me you love me.
  7. He must love the domestic side of me.  I mean, I really don't want to be working for the rest of my life in some big office.  I want to be in a kitchen, barefoot and pregnant, and cooking my man a meal.  Let me stay home with the kids and understand that it's what I want to do.  I love cooking, cleaning, and doing stuff like that.  Let me do what I like!  Of course, I'd always be there to get a job if need be, but try to understand what my gifts are.
  8. He must like dogs.  Growing up my dogs have always been a big part of the family.  I want to have dogs when I'm older.  I do not want smelly, outdoor dogs.  I want to have nice, clean, carpet running dogs who sit at my feet at night when I'm reading.  I don't want small dogs.  Yuck!  Who wants to pet a Kleenex?  I'll take some nice big labs or huskies any day!
  9. He must appreciate the fact that I love high tech stuff.  I salivate in Best Buy or The Home Theater Store...and I don't want him tilting his head and looking at me like I'm psychotic when I do.  I enjoy having a nice cell phone, high speed internet, a nice laptop...etc...  Perhaps it's because I'm rebelling from the low tech childhood I lived for so many years.  He also needs to understand that he can't let me free with his credit card in Best Buy.  I want him to truly love me, yet understand my weaknesses,  But dude, let me get the new U2 cd the moment it comes out.
  10. He must have good taste in movies.  Now, I'm not saying that we have to love the same Bond.  But he's got to let me watch Braveheart when I want to.  And he can't make too much fun of me for crying at movies!
  11. He must desire to baby me when I'm sick.  I hate being sick.  Be a good man when I'm sick and make me something to eat and take care of me.  (Plus, know what my favorite kind of apple juice is...and know that I prefer that over OJ when I'm sick.)
  12. He must put family before his job.  I don't want to marry a man who puts his family second in his life.  I don't think that I could marry someone like that.  I just want to be with a man who has his priorities right.
  13. No polygamy, dammit!  Honestly, I'm just not digging the whole polygamy thing.  I want to be the only wife of one man.
  14. He must have two hands.  Please.  I'm a hand girl.  I think hands are way sexy.  Having two would be a plus.  I mean, I'm not going to be a hand nazi...but I like hands.  Is this asking too much?