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103 Ways I Will Express

    My Love To My Husband

  1. I will greet you at the door when you come home with a smile, a hug, a kiss and an, "Am I glad to see you!  I really missed you today."

  2. I will have a drink ready for you when you get home.

  3. I will give you a lingering kiss.

  4. I will make arrangements so I can spend time with you without giving you the impression that I really should or would rather be doing something else.

  5. I'm willing to talk to you about your concerns and not belittle you for having them.

  6. I will support you and cooperate with you, enthusiastically and positively, when you have made a decision.

  7. I will tease and flirt with you.

  8. I will seek to arouse you and sometimes be the aggressor or leader in sex.

  9. I will ask you to have sex with me more than you would expect.

  10. I will really let myself go when I'm having sex with you.

  11. I will caress you.

  12. I will look at you with an adoring expression.

  13. I will sit close to you.

  14. I will hold your hand.

  15. I will rub your back.

  16. I will wear your favorite nightgown, dress or perfume.

  17. I will express my love in words or notes.

  18. I will let you know how much I appreciate you and what I appreciate about you. I'm going to do this often and for things that are sometimes taken for granted.

  19. I will frequently fulfill your wishes and desires as well as the specific requests you make of me.  I'll try to anticipate what you might desire or wish and surprise you by doing it before you ask. 

  20. I will play with you (tennis, golf, party games...etc...) and share your hobbies and interests.

  21. I will enthusiastically cooperate with you, and share with you, in devotions and prayer.

  22. Together I'd like to seek to set a good example to our children when it comes to their attitudes towards devotions and prayer.

  23. I will maintain my own spiritual life through regular Bible study and prayer.

  24. I will handle my affairs decently and in order.

  25. I will structure my time and use it wisely.

  26. I'm willing to face and solve problems even if it requires discomfort, change and much effort.

  27. I will fulfill all my responsibilities.

  28. I will frequently ask you for advice...and follow it.

  29. I will always be ready to leave at the appointed time.

  30. I will stand with you and support you, in your attempts to raise our children for God.

  31. I will thank you in creative ways for your attempts to please me.

  32. I will ask for forgiveness, admit when I was wrong, and tell you that I will change.

  33. I will actually change where I should.

  34. I will work with you on your projects.

  35. I will read the literature you ask me to read and share my insights on it with you.

  36. I will let you know that I really support you and know you will make the right decision when you have tough (and not so tough) decisions to make.

  37. I will wholeheartedly support you in whatever decision you make.

  38. I will be your best cheerleader.

  39. I will buy random gifts for you.

  40. I will watch supporting events with you and manifest an interest.

  41. I will keep our house neat and clean.

  42. I will cook creatively and faithfully.

  43. I will have devotions with our children when you are not bale to be there.

  44. I will maintain our disciplinary rules when you are not there.

  45. I will be appreciative and cooperative when you hold me, kiss me, or caress me.

  46. I will lovingly give you my input when I think you are in error.

  47. I will offer constructive suggestions when I think you could improve or become more productive.

  48. I will not push a preach at you.  I will always seek ways to help you become the man that God wants you to be.

  49. I will run errands gladly.

  50. I will be lovingly honest with you at all times.

  51. I will be willing to see things from your point of view and put the best interpretation on what you do and say.

  52. I will pamper you and make a fuss over you.

  53. I will be happy and cheerful.

  54. I will not nag.

  55. I will gently brush your leg under the dinner table.

  56. I will have candlelight and music at dinner on occasion.

  57. I will indicate when I want to be alone with you are just like in your arms.

  58. I will go for a walk with you.

  59. I will wink at you.

  60. I will let you know how lonely I feel when you are out of town or away from me for a period of time.

  61. I will share what happened to me during my day with you.

  62. I will share your concerns, fears, joys, failures, etc.

  63. I will seek to support my ideas with biblical insights and good reasons.

  64. I refuse to "cop out" or withdraw and attack or exaggerate or blameshift when you seek to make constructive suggestions or discuss problems. 

  65. I will give you my undivided attention when you want to talk.

  66. I will discuss the meaning of certain Bible passages or discuss how to improve our marriage, home, child, child raising efforts, etc.

  67. I will cheerfully stay up past my bedtime to resolve problems or a disagreement.

  68. I will hold you close, while expressing genuine concern, and vocal love when you are hurt, discouraged, weary or burdened.

  69. I will be eager to share a good joke with you or some other interesting information I have learned.

  70. I will work in the yard with you.

  71. I will paint a room with you.

  72. I will wash your car with you.

  73. I will plans vacations and trips with you.

  74. I will keep family memorabilia, pictures, newspaper clippings, church releases, and other things that have to do with our family. 

  75. I will brag about you, your accomplishments, and what a good husband you are.

  76. I will join with you in church ministry.

  77. I will host a Bible Study with you in our home.

  78. I will do a good job in bookkeeping and family finances.

  79. I will help prepare our taxes.

  80. I will keep touch through letters and phone calls with our family and friends.

  81. I will keep myself attractive and clean.

  82. I will invite other people into our home for dinner and fellowship.

  83. I will develop and use the spiritual gifts that God has given me.

  84. I will ask you to pray about something that is on my mind.

  85. I will express how much I love our children.

  86. I will manage to stay within our family budget and even save some for special surprises.

  87. I will be excited about sharing the gospel with others.

  88. I will be excited about our answered prayers.

  89. I will be excited about helping others.

  90. I will make a list for you of things that need to be done around the house. 

  91. I will be satisfied with my present standard of living when you can provide no more.

  92. I will not compare you to my father...or my father's way of providing.

  93. I will know and be aware of my shortcomings and the areas that I need to improve. 

  94. I will take care of your clothes so that you are always dressed well.

  95. I will appreciate and help your mother, father and relatives.

  96. I will seek to have a strong relationship with your siblings and their spouses.

  97. I will not disagree with you in the presence of others.

  98. I will be silly and unconventional in our lovemaking at times.

  99. I will tell you, before you ask, that I think you've done a good job.

  100. I will be eager and available to fulfill your desires wherever and whenever it is proper and possible.

  101. I will begin each day with cheerfulness and tangible expressions of affection.

  102. I will let my children know that we agree on things.

  103. I will tell my children, when you can hear, and when you cannot, how much I love you and what a good man you are.