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Bear Calendar

Any boy may earn Bear achievements and electives if he is in the third grade, or is nine years old. To earn the Bear badge, a boy must complete 12 of the 24 specified achievements listed below. He can select the ones he wants to do from four different groups: God, Country, Family, and Self. The Progress Towards Ranks badge is available as an incentive during the Bear program to encourage a Cub on his achievement work. Details regarding the completion of the achievements and associated electives can be found in the BSA Bear Cub Scout Book (No. 33107, 1998.)
When a boy finishs an achievement, he will need to have an adult member of his family sign and date his book. He will then take the book to the next den meeting and his den leader will record it on the Cub Scout (Den) Advancement Chart and initial his book. When he has done 12 Bear achievements, he becomes a Bear Cub Scout. A boy may count any extra achievement requirements he earns as arrow point credits. If a Bear-aged boy is new to Cub Scouting, he must complete the Bobcat trail before beginning work on the Bear achievements.

September 2006

October 2006

November 2006

  • November's Homework

    Time: All month
    Please finish achievement 10: Family Fun at home on your own.
  • Friday, 3rd-SPORTS, SPORTS, SPORTS (meet at the TCHS stadium at 6:30 pm)

    We will be going to the TCHS game against Angleton. I can buy tickets before hand. We will talk about this at a previous den meeting!
  • Saturday, 18th- Renfest!

    We will be going to the Texas Renaissance Festival and learning how the 16th century was. The theme of the weekend is "Celtic Christmas". I think it will be fun and exciting for the boys to get an idea of what things were like in the past! Cost is $8.00 per kid and $18.00 per adult. We will purchase group tickets before hand.
  • Sunday, 26th-TYING IT ALL UP (meet at my house 3:30 pm)

    We will be learning about knots! Read page 162 and look at knots before coming!

December 2006

  • December's Homework

    Time: All month
    Please look over skit lines and practice! This is your time to shine!
  • Sunday, 10rd-INFORMATION, PLEASE(meet at my house at 3:30 pm)

    We will be playing charades and using the computers. Also, we will be making a plan on when to meet to rehearse for the skit that we have to do in January for the pack meeting. New schedules will be discussed then also.