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Cassie's - Shih Tzu ~ Slide Show photograph pics

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Digital Images - Slide Show,
presentation by: Cassie the Shih Tzu puppy
~ Cassie's - Shih Tzu puppy ~ Slide Show pics ! 

Featuring ... Casino Cassie the Shih Tzu puppy:
Photograph slide-show, Cassie is a black and white female
royal Imperial princess - at 9 weeks she can stand on her hind legs
and wave with both paws . . . play time toys ... nutritional food and supplements
are very important !
Casino Cassie has her very own safe place ... a puppy house of her own ...
for naps and picnics etc... also has a patio area.
Cassie drinks distilled or bottled water (this was suggested to
help prevent staining her facial fur and seems healthier for her).

Puppies love to snooze  ... play ... eat ... and sleep . . .

Casino Cassie - Shih Tzu puppy
Puppies love to snooze ... play ... eat ... and sleep
she is very societal, outgoing, and friendly to all dogs
and people (today she was most curious about... the...
sounds coming from the pet shop's parrot ("Polly wants a cracker...")
Cassie's first standard clippe grooming at 12 weeks . . .
she will soon be ready to
be crate trained as her muscles are becoming more developed.
Breed: Shih Tzu - Casino Cassie is slightly taller than a teacup, she has beautiful blue eyes
and is very affectionate, outgoing, family friendly and loves to be in photographs . . . etc

Easter weekend Cassie met a 5 week old
cute Pot-Belly pig named Molly,
(nearly about the same size just a few pounds more in weight).

Casino Cassie Female/Shih tzu d.o.b. 1/21/2003 TR07767504 AKC  

Casino Cassie ~ Shih Tzu puppy

Date of  Birth: January 21, 2003 AKC STD

Date:      Description:               CASINO CASSIE   

3.03.2003 Strongid T          

3.11.2003 Vanguard 5

                Nutri-Cal  p.o. (five times per day for 12 weeks)

3.13.2003 Exam-Wellness Bordetella I.N.

3.13.2003 Corona Vaccine - Parvo Puppy2

4.18.2003 First clippe Std Grooming etc

4.24.2003 Distemper Measle Year Boost

4.24.2003 Parvo Puppy # 3,

4.24.2003 Rabies (kv) #10440   City Lic # 0585

4.24.2003 DHLP Puppy Vaccine #1 21 Day

4.24.2003 Drontal Small Dogs

4.24.2003 Sentinel® 0-10 lbs Single pill - chewable monthly prescription medication (to give 1st day of each month as preventative for Heart Worm, Fleas, etc)

4.24.2003 Puppy Vaccines Third Set

DHLPPC (Distemper, Leptospirosis, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo virus, & Corona virus)

5.13.2003 Drontal Small Dogs (2nd pill)

5.13.2003 DHLP Puppy Vaccine YEARLY

5.13.2003 Parvo - Adult - Yearly

5.13.2003 Puppy Vaccine Fourth set

5.27.2003 Drontal Small Dogs (3rd pill)


5.10.2004 Bordetella (Kennel Cough) IN

5.10.2004 DHLP Vaccine (Distemper) Adult

5.10.2004  Parvo - Adult

5.10.2004  Corona Vaccine - Adult

5.10.2004  Rabies Vaccination (kv) Adult


 *  6/1/04  Sentinel ® & Advantix ®  1st of each month

 * 10/4/2004 Bordetella (Kennel Cough) IN

 * 5/13/2005 DHLP Vaccine (Distemper) YEARLY

 * 5/13/2005 Parvo - Adult - Yearly

 * 5/13/2005 Corona Vaccine - Adult - Yearly

 * 4/24/2007 Rabies Vaccination (kv) (* every three years)

~ Cassie Puppy's - Suggested Schedule ~ * consult your Veterinarian for pet health-care advice !

    Start puppy on bottled water or distilled water at age 6 weeks (STAINLESS DOG FOOD & WATER BOWLS)

    Nutri-Cal  orally: five times per day for 12 weeks

    Brush thoroughly daily
    shampoo bathe about every two months or as needed
    brush & groom each week
    Clippe grooming about every 4 weeks (complete standard, etc)
                    *   *   *   *   *


    • Wellness - Physical examination
    • DHLPPC Booster
    • Kennel Cough Booster
    • Rabies Booster ( EVERY THREE YEARS)
    • Deworming
    • Happy Birthday Grooming & Birthday Party



This web site does not provide Veterinary medical 
or other professional advice and none should be inferred.
Consult your Veterinarian health care provider
 for advice concerning animal pet care health-related matters.

For more info on breed, history, origin and pics . . .
Visit ~*~
Cassie's - Shih Tzu puppy HomePage:

Web Page uploaded: 04.16.2003
WebSite Modified & Updated: 06.01.2003 12:31:03
Revised: 01 June 2004
©opyright 2003 - 2004 - "Casino Cassie Shih Tzu puppy"
All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or duplication is prohibited.
Privacy: This site does not collect any subsciber information.

A friend is someone who reaches
    for your hand
And touches your Heart

~ Casino Cassie Shih Tzu puppy dog 2003

"This is a personal website ... no-pups-4-sale"

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Cassie's ~ Shih Tzu puppy Home Page :Cassie's ~ Shih Tzu puppy HomePage

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