Who are we really?
We all wear masks, beginning with our early childhood, increasing our repertoire, discarding or refining previous masks as we go. This is not to say we are being dishonest, rather following a behavioral set, changing masks as needed as we go through life.
Each "mask" we put on determines how we behave in a given situation or circumstance. We are taught that "correct" behavioral patterns are required for each set of circumstances.
Our first mask is probably the one of "Family". We are taught which behaviors are permitted and which are not very early on.
The next mask we acquire is "Company". We learn what behaviors are not permitted when "company" is present (as opposed to what is allowed when only "family" is present. The "Visitor" mask comes about this same time. The "Visitor" is how we are to behave when away from home.
At about this same period of time, we are given our "Church" mask. We are taught how we should behave when in a "place of worship".
When we begin school (or pre-school) we get our "Student" mask. This mask is refined a lot as we grow older. We also acquire our "Friend" mask, which we wear when we "hang out" with our group of friends.
When we are old (relatively) enough, we begin noticing that there is a difference between boys and girls and we manufacture our next mask. The "Romance" mask is refined many times over the years. Eventually becoming a "Lover" mask.
When we get our first job, we get our "Employee" mask. This mask is sometimes later exchanged for "Supervisor", "Manager", "Employer", etc.
We participate in various activates, groups and organizations, which also require different masks. Activities or groups associated with work require our "Professional" mask; others may have a "Playtime" mask, etc.
If we marry, we get a "Spouse" mask. When children appear, we acquire the "Parent" mask, and later the "Grandparent" mask.
Some of us also acquire the "Senior Citizen" mask.
There are many other masks not mentioned, which can be worn at various times (such as: "Soldier", "Veteran", "Politician", "Doctor", etc.".
For those who accept belief in reincarnation, each lifetime can also be considered a different mask, or set of masks.
A combination of these masks we wear, constitute our "Real Self"; who we are inside, our "Spiritual Self".
LORD, please let us see ourselves behind our masks, the way YOU see us.