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Are you a new FTA advisor? Or do you just need some more information? Hope this helps ! If this isn't enough, contact the District President or advisor via the guestbook.


1. Is one of the high school's most admired and respected teachers, who has the ability to understand and identify with students in obtaining the cooperation that is needed to get the job done.

2. Is fully certified for the subjects or grades they teach.

3. Is proud of being a TFTA advisor, frequently a volunteer for the position, eager to share information and ideas with other staff members and other professional leaders.

4. Is aware that the organized profession looks upon the TFTA advisor as an important leader in the identification and guidance of qualified future teachers.

5. Is willing to devote time and effort to becoming an effective advisor.


Coordinate TFTA Program.

Provide leadership training.

Establish competition program.

Assist students interested in learning about the teaching profession.

Assist in conducting student/teacher activities.

Assist in conducting socials.

Assist/coordinate fundraisers.

Coordinate trips/activities at TFTA local, district and state functions.


1. Have organizational meeting as soon as possible after school starts.

2. See that the president appoints committees and that each committee is aware of responsibilities, if not done in the preceding spring semester.

3. Make sure membership campaign gets underway immediately.

4. See that goals for the year are set.

5. Make sure that state and district affiliation dues are paid.

6. Check on program committee to see if programs are complete.

7. Make sure yearbook is ready to hand out to students as soon as possible so that students can benefit from them.

8. See that American Education Week committee or program committee is prepared for American Education Week.

9. Contact district president to see about district meetings and make plans accordingly.

10. Make sure district deadlines are met. (Register for convention, dues, etc., Mr. and Miss FTA participants).

11. Make plans for state convention. See that all deadlines are met.

12. See that plans are made for Public Schools Week.

13. Plans for Teacher Interest Month.

14. See that officers are elected before the end of the school term.

15. See that committees are appointed to plan during the summer, such as program and yearbook.

16. See that a special program, such as a spring banquet, is planned for the installation of new officers.

If any advisors should have any problems or further questions concerning any matters with TFTA please feel free to call the TFTA/TSTA office at this toll free number 1-800-324-5355 or contact your regional advisor. You may also use the regular office number 1-512-476-5355.