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Conference and Convention


1. Students attending the District TFTA Convention should be accompanied by their faculty advisor.

2. Dress should be appropriate for the occasion. Members should come to the convention prepared to attend a variety of activities including the general sessions.

3. All members and advisors should avail themselves of the opportunities offered during the TFTA Convention by attending the planned convention programs.

4. Members should make every effort to create a good image of TFTA by taking proper care of all property and facilities used during the convention.

5. Proper respect should be shown by all members and advisors to convention participants and leaders.

6. Each participant should strive to make the convention a success by being prompt in attendance.

7. Chapters should send their most responsible members to the convention.

8. Members should make the necessary preparations in order to function well at all meetings.

Click on the calendar to see upcoming events and deadlines.

Leadership Conference

The Leadership Conference is usually held in October. It is a time for all District V Chapters to send their local officers so that they can learn more about the offices they hold. It is a time for everyone to make sure that they are signed up for the contests in which they plan to compete. Finally it is the deadline for a chapter to sign up for a District Office (if any).

Click on the button to see some pictures from the Leadership Conference.

District Convention

The District Convention is the event where all the major business of a District takes place. Students participate in workshops that are fun yet educational. Those running for office campaign and have skits. Delegates vote for officers for the following year. Amendments to the constitution are made and accepted. Contests are held to see who has the best yearbook, scrapbook, art project, video, nametag, top project, theme (essay), poem, and to see who is the best speaker (Mr. FTA and Miss FTA) or best presenter (Educational Issues)

Click on the button to see pictures of the District Convention.