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What is F.T.A. all about?

Ok. You may be wondering exactly what FTA is about. First off, FTA stands for "FUTURE TEACHERS OF AMERICA," and we are part of the Texas Future Teachers of America based in Austin, Texas. We are District V which encompasses schools in Southeast Texas. Schools in our District include Nederland HS, Port Neches-Groves HS, Bridge City HS, Edison MS, Westbrook HS, Ozen HS, Memorial HS,Memorial 9th Grade Campus, Orangefield HS, Orangefield JH, Vidor HS, Vidor JH, Little Cypress-Mauriceville HS, Stephen F. Austin JH, Silsbee HS

FTA is an outstanding organization that shapes the minds and hearts of every member to be not only an excellent teacher, but also an upstanding member in the community. We participate in community service activities and host many school functions. "But I don't want to be a teacher," you may be saying. Well, that's the great thing about FTA. You don't necessarily have to want to be a teacher to be in this organization. Regardless of what career or occupation you will have in the future, teaching will be a critical part of your life. Many of the things learned in this organization can be used throughout life to help make your home, workplace, school, or wherever a better environment to be in. We are all teachers in one way or another.


of the

Future Teachers of America

To interest young men and women in teaching as a career.

To provide its members with experiences to develop the qualities and aptitudes basic to successful teaching.

To impart an understanding of the development and purpose of our public schools.

To assist in gaining an appreciation of the contributions that the public schools have made to our democratic society.

To aid in self-evaluation.

To provide participation and understanding of the democratic process at the local, district, and state levels.

To provide information and experiences which enable the student to explore and develop his/her vocation pursuant to a career in education.

TFTA Pledge


PHYSICAL VITALITY: I will try to keep my body well and strong.

MENTAL VIGOR: I will study daily to keep my mind active and alert.

MORAL DISCRIMINATION: I will seek to know the right and to live by it.

WHOLESOME PERSONALITY: I will cultivate in myself goodwill, friendliness, poise, upright bearing, and careful speech.

HELPFULNESS: I will learn the art of helping others by doing helpful things daily in school and home.

KNOWLEDGE: I will fill my mind with worthy thoughts by observing all that is beautiful in the world around me, by reading the best books, and by association with the best companions.

LEADERSHIP: I will make my influence count on the side of right, avoiding habits that weaken and destroy.

These Things Will I Do Now That I May Be Worthy of the Office of Teacher.

Membership Ideas

Door Prizes at meetings / socials

Send letters to teachers and ask who impressed them.

Membership brunch

Membership social

School Newspaper

Eighth Grade Orientation / Ninth Grade Orientation


Parents Night With Middle Schoolers

Community Service Hours

Local News / TV Stations

Member Recruitment Award

FTA Shirt Day

gift certificates, pins, prizes

New Chapters

Want to help get new chapters into the District?


Write letters

Attention Principal

put your home address and phone number

TSTA local presidents

Fund Raising Ideas


Sell posters

Penny Drive

Garage Sale

Male Beauty Pageant

Talent Show

Get Parent to call for donations

gift wrapping at the mall

Babysitting services