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The Fort Worth Panhellenic Association Scholarship

The Fort Worth Panhellenic Alumnae Association, comprised of local alumnae from various National Panhellenic Conference (NPHC) sororities, wishes to inform you of its scholarship program.  One or more $750.00 scholarships will be awarded to graduating senior women from area high schools who are planning to attend four-year colleges with National Panhellenic Conference sororities on campus.  While pledging a NPHC sorority is not a condition of the scholarship, applicants must at the very least go through the first round of Panhellenic Recruitment for their college (a complete list of National Panhellenic Conference sororities can be found at 

Qualification and judging criteria:


Finalists will be contacted individually, and interviews will be scheduled the week of February 17, 2006. Finalist will be notified of the interview location. Candidates not making the finals will be notified of the scholarship winner by email in March of 2007. The Fort Worth Alumnae Association will announce and award the scholarship at the annual Greek Spring Forum held on Sunday March 2nd, 2008 at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens Auditorium, at 2 PM.

For more information regarding the scholarship or to request an application, please email, or

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