most of you already know I hopelessly addicted to
genealogy, or as my husband calls it, "my
fascination with dead people". I frequent
musty courthouse records rooms, deserted cemeteries, and
scour the internet in an attempt to track some elusive
relative or other...
I've had help in this of course, family members have
graciously shared their research, photos, etc. In fact,
with out all of you this web page would not be possible!
I have tried to ensure that all of the information I will
present to you is correct, but no one is perfect and
everyone makes mistakes! So, if you see something that is
incorrect, don't hesitate to correct me. Also, if you
have information, photos, etc. you would like to add
email me and I will get it added as soon as possible.
Thank you all for sharing your information with me!
Click HERE
to go to the geneology pages!