Home Phone: (940) 798-2044
Email (home): jkuhn@academicplanet.com
Email (work): jkuhn@mwisd.esc11.net
2003-pres. Pursuing M.Ed., Educational
Administration at Tarleton State University
1991-1994 B.A., English at Tarleton State University
2002-pres. Spanish Teacher, ESL Teacher,
and Bus Driver, Mineral Wells High School
1999-2002 Language Instructor, Weatherford College Upward Bound Program
1997-2002 Spanish Teacher, ESL
Teacher/Coordinator, and Bus Driver, Graford ISD
1995-1997 Missions Volunteer, Perú
Instruction for Second Language Learners” (Region XI Education Service Center,
Fort Worth)
Dream of College: It’s for ESL Students, Too” (BEAM Conference, Arlington)
Your Effectiveness: Strategies for the ESL Classroom (Elementary Level)”
(Bridgeport ISD, Mineral Wells ISD)
Your Effectiveness: Strategies for the ESL Classroom (Secondary Level)”
(Bridgeport ISD, Mineral Wells ISD)
Instruction: Teaching ESL in the Content Areas” (Bridgeport ISD, Mineral Wells ISD)
-“El Papel de los Padres en el Programa de
ESL” (Krum ISD, Mineral Wells ISD)
-“Los Beneficios del Programa de ESL”
(Krum ISD, Mineral Wells ISD)
for the ESL ExCET” (Graford ISD)
to Noelia, a current undergrad at Tarleton State University pursuing a teaching degree. My wife is from Peru.
to Noah, a VERY active 2 year old (who knows his ABCs, colors, shapes, and body
parts and can count to 20.)
non-income-producing hangers-on include a Schnauzer named Franklin and two
fish, Pily and Mily.