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Beakley's Beaks

Aileen Beakley

Beakley's Beaks

We want to give special thanks to Aileen Beakley of Beakley's Beaks, one of the most awesome people we have ever met. She has been a very special friend to both Cynthia and myself, and she has taught us so much in the time that we have known her. We have several of her babies and she has become a member of our extended family. Without her there would be no LoveMyToos Yahoo Group or no Love My Toos Website as she is the one that encouraged us to do both. She is a very loving, kind and generous person whose love for birds is evident in everything she says and does. She is known as being one of the most reputable and respected cockatoo breeders in the state of Texas. She is also known for producing very beautiful, well adjusted and very loving baby cockatoos. She takes very good care of all of her birds and is very picky about the homes that they go to. We could never say enough about the wonderful qualites of this awesome lady, nor can we ever repay her for all she has done to help us on a personal level.

Written by Wayne and Cynthia