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Birdie Bread

It's a real "kitchen sink" recipe... You can easily add or subtract any ingredients to your/your bird's liking (or whatever you need to get rid of in the fridge! LOL). Happy baking! 1 Package Martha White Brand Corn Bread Mix 1/2 Cup Kaytee Rainbow Pellets 1/4 Cup Sunshine Bonanza Seed Mix 1 package Instant Oatmeal (Quaker, of course!) 2 Eggs, beaten (shells included, crushed fine) 1/2 Cup Mott's Cinnamon Applesauce 1 small can corn 2 tablespoons raw pumpkin seeds (shelled) 1/2 cup water 1 teeny tiny box of raisins (that my niece got trick or treating) (Brand names are used just to show my actual ingredients... This recipe will work well with many customized changes! Use anything your bird likes! Other things I've added: 1 small smashed banana, chopped fresh jalapeno peppers, frozen peas and carrots, chopped dates... Be creative!) Mix it all together real well and pour into a 13" lasagna pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 45 minutes (until all liquid is absorbed). Let it cool completely.Bird's seems to prefer it BEFORE it browns, when it's still a little moist, but fully cooked.