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Microwave Berry Cake

2 cups whole pellets (not crushed) 4 tablespoons baking powder 3 eggs 1 - 7 ?+ oz. can chickpeas or 1 cup cooked beans 1 whole banana 1 cup fresh whole cranberries 1 cup frozen green beans 1 cup frozen blueberries 1 cup sunflower meats ?+ cup hulled oats 1 cup wheat germ Combine pellets, baking powder, eggs, chickpeas, banana, cranberries and beans in food processor. Process until cranberries and beans are finely chopped. Pour into a bowl and fold in blueberries, oats, wheat germ and sunflower meats. Pour into an 11 x 7 glass baking dish. Microwave at 70% power for 10 minutes, 50% for 10 minutes and 30% for 15 minutes. Turn cake over onto a plate or waxed paper and put back in the microwave (bottom up). Microwave at 30% power until bottom of cake is no longer moist. Cool, bottom up, cut into squares and freeze.