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Birdy Salsa

Ingredients: 1 tomato chopped, Some chopped green bell peppers, Chopped red bell peppers, Chopped yellow bell peppers, Chopped hot peppers(habenero, jalapeno, chilies, etc.), Chopped mangoes, Chopped pineapple, Chopped spinach, 1 chopped, hard-boiled egg, *optional-can also add some well-cooked chicken to this recipe, Some fruit juice of your choice(i usually use apple), Preparations: Toss above ingredients together(minus the fruit juice). Add enough juice to resemble people-type salsa. Serve either as is or on top of some toasted bread pieces. Enjoy! :) Also i wanted to say that b/c tomatoes & pineapples are so acidic, i wouldn't serve this more than once a week or once every two weeks(my guys get it about once a month). Also, this makes a few servings(6 at my house), i freeze it and can feed Jazzy and Petey about 3 times each with it.