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Various Snacks

Sweet Potatoes

bake Potatoes, remove skins Mash and mix with applesauce(i use the gerber's baby food applesauce, not the iron fortified kind though-i think it's the Tender Harvest one), sprinkle with cinnamon and served warm. Can also be served raw, chopped into disks and strung on a skewer.

Sweet Potato Suprise

steam and mash sweet potato add uncooked grated carrot green beans raw brussell sprouts chopped nuts and a little cheese on top.

Nustraberrys Pellets

What I do is I put their pellets in warm water untill they get soft. Then I cut up some fruts or veggies first I cut in to small peaces then I put apples, grapes ect. when you see your pellets are soft and all take some fruts and pelets and roll them in a small ball. you can give it like that or put it in a cooking tray and bake it. but try not to burn them just cook a bit so the outside gets warm and a bit hard. try to make them small so they can hold it in there hand. you can add veggies and do the same thing. I don't like adding veggies and fruits because it might mmess up there tummy. I give some for lunch and then a snack later after!

Apple Plate

my bird loves this: they love apple so i came up with apple plate. i cute a apple in half and peel out the skins and the inside. so it will look liek a plate. then i take fruts and cut them in small peaces and put them in the apple plate. you can also use the other half of apple and cut it thin and put it like a top so they have to eat a bit to get the other goodys in side.

Carrot Tree Brocole

my birds love when i do shapes in there food i use a carrot and make a tree i cut a bit the sides and the pop up its nice and i also use a brocole for the top.

Bannanna Rolls

i cute fruits small peaces and i try to boil them to get soft. dont dont boil bannanna. after when the fruits are soft liek apple, grapes ect... smash them together with out bannanna. take the bannana after and smach it take a bit of fruits and add them with the bannanna and make rolls its yummy i tryed it :)

Cucumber Stand

i peel of the skin of cucumber. then i take carrots and other things lik celery cut them in strips i take a pointy nife or anything and make hold in the cucumber after that add the small strips of carrots cellery ect..

Egg Mix

i boil then egg take off the shell. i put it in the mixer with veggies and mix them all up and give it to the bird they love them mines does.

Oatmeal Cereal

you boil the outmeal add fruits no apple, in pieces and some baby apple sauses mix them togther and give it my loves this snack.