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Birdy Egg Salad

Ingredients: 1.. 1-? eggs(depends on how many birds you have, i have 2 birds and use 1 egg), 2.. 1 small container plain yogurt, 3.. pinch of cinnamon and other spices for flavor, 4.. grated carrot(as much as you'd like), 5.. diced peppers-bell, hot, many colors, broccoli, etc., 6.. diced fruit like mango, strawberries, blueberries-wouldn't dice these, etc. 7.. 1-? toasted english muffins or toasted bread. Preparation: Take 1 or 2(or depending on how many birds you have)eggs, hardboil them and allow to cool. Shell them(i don't leave the shells in as i have heard that even a small piece can impact the crop, but if you do then add the shells also), rinse with cool water to make sure to get all the shell off-or not depending. Mash them up like you would for normal egg salad. Add the yogurt, veggies, and fruits. Mix well. Spoon mixture on either the toasted english muffins or the toasted bread. Sprinkle with spices and serve. You can delete the bread/english muffin, and just spoon in a bowl...mine will eat it either way, but they think the muffin and/or bread is a treat.