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Cornmeal Pudding

1/2 cup finely ground cornmeal water, as needed optional ingredients for flavor: pumpkin puree, apple sauce, or baby food as needed 1. Prepare the water by adding about 1 cup of it to a small saucepan. Cook it over medium heat until the water has reached a full boil. Then remove it form the heat. 2. Add the cornmeal to a small mixing bowl or other container. Then begin to add the hot water to the cornmeal, about a tablespoon at a time. As you add the water, stir it completely, until it has been incorporated in the cornmeal. Add only as much water as you need to get the cornmeal to a thick pudding consistency. 3. Stir well. Then add any of the optional ingredients if you have chosen to use them. Stir in any optional ingredients well. 4. Allow the mixture to cool, then serve to your pet. Any excess can be refrigerated or frozen for later use. Makes about 3/4 cup. Suitable for: All Birds.