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Training Tips

Training can be very fun and rewarding for both you and your bird. One of the most successful training methods is that of clicker training. At the end of this page you will find links to the Yahoo group and the Clicker Training website. Ray Berwick was one of the first to use this successful training method with his bird Lala, a Triton Cockatoo. Lala is known for being a star on the hit TV show Berretta, but on the show her name was Fred. Ray Berwick described this method in detail in his book: “How To Train Your Pet Like A Television Star”.This book is out of print but a few copies can still be found on eBay. Linda Morrow, a profession bird trainer, has also written a manual called: “Clicking With Birds” which can be found and purchased in the links below. This method can also be very useful in helping to control unwanted behaviors. So this manual really is a must have for the experienced or novice bird owner.

Written by Wayne
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