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Types and Personalities of Cockatoos

Rose Breasted Cockatoo (Galah)

(Eolophus roseicapillus)
Patrick is a year-old Rosebreasted Cockatoo (Galah). He is very different from Julie and has a tremendous sense of humor. Everything is a game to Patrick. He wrestles like a puppy, hangs from one toe and swings and laughes, and does all sorts of tricks. He LOVES learning new tricks and puffs like a rooster when praised for doing a trick right. He will eat ANYTHING that doesn't eat him first. He talks more than any other bird in the house and has a VERY CLEAR cartoonlike voice. He continuously speaks in context and I am convicnced that he uses specific words to communicate his moods and needs. This bird has my entire family laughing all day long with the hilarious things he comes up with to do and say. He will go to anyone and is a gentle bird with a superb temperament. He will allow himself to be stroked and scratched but nothing to the extent that Julie wants or requires. Patrick is content to play on his tree and gyms (or even his toy-filled cage) for as long as you'll leave him there. He never screams unless in mock battle with one of his toys. Most of his vocalizations are human words. The funniest thing he does is yell for my teenage daughter EVERY time the phone rings (it's usually for her anyway and he has figured this out!). His favorite game is "I'm gonna dit ooo..." in which I walk my fingers toward his feet and tail in pretend stalk, he'll bat at my hand with his beak (not bite) and scream, "yikes! quit! yikes! quit!" all in fun. If I stop, he tries to get me to start up again. A very fun bird that is wonderful. I don't think he has one negative quality. In fact, everyone that meets him wants one JUST like him.
Written by Marci

Ducorps Cockatoo

(cactua ducorpsii)
Julie is an year-old Ducorps cockatoo. She is vivacious and friendly but still very immature. I would guess, from talking to others with this kind of bird and personal experience, that this species of cockatoo matures VERY slowly. Julie still takes Scenic hand-weaning pellets in warm carrot juice every night and cries like a baby if she doesn't get the attention she thinks she deserves. She will play independently but prefers to be held and cuddled. This species of cockatoo seems to roll all the best qualities of the other types into one beautiful package: the great temperament of the Triton; the affection of the Umbie; the small size and cuteness of the Goffin; and the low voice volume of the Galah; and that gorgeous blue eyering of the Blue-Eyed. Julie is a very good eater and seems to love fruit more than my other birds. She weighs about 350 grams and lives in a Kings 506 cage (42" wide), which seems just right for her active lifestyle. She says a few words but is not a big talker. She has NO FEAR of dogs and, in fact, has learned she can pick on the poodles in her life. She wears her harness in public and goes to the feed store and sometimes to work with me. I highly recommend this type of cockatoo as a pet. I think once they are more well known, people will choose to keep them over more-demanding types such as the Moluccan and the Umbrella.
Written by Marci

Citron Cockatoo

(Cacatua sulphurea citroncristata)
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