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Types and Personalities of Cockatoos

Lesser Cockatoo

(Cacatua sulphurea sulphurea)
Writeup Pending

Triton Cockatoo

(Cacatua galerita triton)
It is often said that a cockatoo is not a good bird for a first time owner. Well, this goes double for the Triton Cockatoo. They are very independent and arrogant by nature, and also the smartest of all the cockatoos. This is exactly the reason that they are the most often trained for tv, like Lala who portrayed Fred in the old cop TV show Berretta. Being so smart they are always finding new ways to get into trouble, and often train their owners very well. It is extremly hard to stay one step ahead of a Triton Cockatoo, as they are known for being able to manipulate, and outsmart their owners. When raised properly, they are also very gentle and loving and make good companion birds. Being so independant, they are very good about entertaining themselves, and during cuddling sessions they will let you know when they are done with you. When they are done loving, they will first dismiss you by moving your hand with their foot or beak. Next, by giving you a warning nip. Finally,if you do not heed the warning, a bite.

Written by Wayne

Greater Sulpher Crested Cockatoo

(Cacatua galerita galerita)
The Greater Sulpher Crested Cockatoo or (GSC) is not as smart as its subspecies the Triton Cockatoo, but is still a very smart bird. As the Triton is a subspecies of the (GSC), they do share a lot of the same personality traits. However, they do not seem to get into as much trouble as the Triton, but still very challenging at times. They are still somewhat independent and can be a little arrogant but to a lesser degree. Being so smart, they are eager to learn new things and very eager to please. When they learn something new they will do it over and over again just to please their owners. Like the Triton, they will let you know when you are dismissed. When they are done loving, they will first dismiss you by moving your hand with their foot or beak. Next, by giving you a warning nip. Finally,if you do not heed the warning, a bite.

Written by Wayne