as an EMS Instructor) since around 2002. So, naturally, my teaching gigz have become fewer and fewer each year. [Hello! This is something I’m HAPPY about!] I did NO “International” or “National” gigz in 2006. I did only one STATE gig: a Dispatcher Communication class for the 2006 Annual Nebraska Emergency Dispatchers’ conference in September. (I had presented Restraint Asphyxia Silent Killer and a different Communication course for them at their 2003 annual Conference. Since those classes received so much positive feedback, they asked me to present for them again.) |
BEST NEWZ: In December of 2006, I developed and performed a “Restraint Asphyxia Silent Killer TRAINER” program for DSN! So, from now on, DSN’s TRAINERS will perform my RASK program for their new employees. Thus, I’ll only have to train the DSN TRAINERS once a year!
5th EDITION will be completed and submitted in early January, 2007. For this newest edition, I have “hired” a friend to assist me J.J. Wholers! I met JJ when we both worked as Denver General Paramedics ('95-'98). But, he’s originally a Nebraska guy! He left DG in 2000 and returned to Grand Island, where he now lives with his wife (Janene) and their two very kool kidz. JJ works as a full-time Grand Island Fire Department Paramedic, and teaches EMS classes for the University of Kearney, Nebraska. Most importantly, I know JJ to be someone who has the same “STANDARDS” that I have, when it comes to EMS education. Thus, he is one of only maybe a handful of individuals whom I would trust with taking “care” of my books. |
[Above: the 4th Edition Text] |
In addition to having become “TOO TOASTED” regarding Restraint Asphyxia stuff,
I’ve become “TOO TOASTED” with EMS on the WHOLE!
After all, I’ve been teaching EMS stuff since 1983, & I’ve been an EMS author since 1990.
OVER 20 YEARS o’ this stuff is ENUFFFF!
So … WHAT do I plan to DO FOR MONEY in the FUTURE?
I plan to embark upon a brand NEW publishing career! I’m going to write TRAVEL BOOKS!
Specifically, I’m going to write travel books that will assist folkz in VISITING CASTLES!!!
for creating “Castle Bagging” guide books that are SMALL (guides that fit in your pocket or back pack), but ALSO are accompanied by A WEBSITE that provides far more IN-DEPTH INFO about the Castles in any particular COUNTRY, so as to help you PLAN your “Castle Bagging” trip!
The website will offer some “public” (free-access) |
Each Country’s CASTLE-BAGGING GUIDE BOOK will be a small, sturdy, 3-Ring Notebook:
approximately 5 inches wide by 7 inches tall, and no more than ONE INCH THICK!
The entire collection of BRIEF INFO pages that come with each guide book (for instance; the brief info pages for ALL of the castles in SCOTLAND) will NOT FIT in the binder! Obviously, no one can possibly visit ALL the castles in any country during ONE trip. So, it’s perfectly silly to carry all those pages around with you. The book would weigh more than necessary, take up more room than necessary, and all the unnecessary pages would get dirty or damaged while you fussed with them getting to the pages you NEED.
INSTEAD! The User plans her/his trip by accessing the in-depth info available in the Private Partz o’ the “Castle Bagging” website. The User decides what Castles she/he wants to visit on the upcoming trip perhaps also selecting some “extra” or “alternative” places to visit, in case more time is available (or, in case a Castle is temporarily “inaccessible” on the visit day for some reason).*
Then, the User puts ONLY THOSE PAGES into the 3-Ring Notebook.
[* Info about “Non-Castle Attractions Nearby” will also be available in the Website’s Private Partz; cross-referenced to the Castles: info about nearby churches and/or cathedrals, palaces and/or manor houses, stone circles and/or other archeological/historical sites of interest, … WHATEVAH!]
I’ve already retained DOMAIN NAMES for the FIRST FOUR
“CASTLE BAGGING” Websites (BOOKS!) that I plan to develop!
[NONE of these sites have a damn thing on them right NOW, though. So, don’t bother going there. LOL]
The following list also indicates the ORDER in which I plan to write the books:
Castle Bagging In Scotland
Castle Bagging in England
Castle Bagging in Wales
Castle Bagging in Ireland
Once done with those four countries, I’ll begin creating Castle Bagging Guides/Websites for other Castle countries:
Germany, Italy, Spain, and so on!
WHEN all goes as PLANNED …
In 2007 I’ll be able to report my significant PROGRESS on this project!!!