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Boy Scouts Of America Portfolio
Adult Record and Accomplishments
- Diocesan Appointee of Bishop Vann to lead 2007 Ad Altare Dei Tour
- Membership Chairman of Diocesan Catholic Comm on Scouting for Diocese of Ft Worth (2007-2009)
- Vice Chairman of Diocesan Catholic Comm on Scouting for Diocese of Ft Worth (2005-2007)
- Chairman of Diocesan Catholic Cub Scout Retreat (CCSR) for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2003. Advisor to CCSR for 2001, 2002, and 2004.
- Philmont Coordinator from 1987-1997
- Chairman of Fund Raising Event called
The Lone Star Trade O Ree from 1987 to present day.
- Co-Roundtable Chairman for Roadrunner District
- Troop 32 65th Anniversary, 70th Anniversary
and 75th Anniversary Chairman of activities
- OA Associate Advisor from 1988-1998
- Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) Troop 32, Troop 7 ASM, and Troop Committee Member of Troop 32
Adult Awards and Achievements
- 2004 St George Award (Diocese of Ft Worth CCS)
- 2003 National Catholic Comm on Scouting Conference Attendee (Philmont)
- 2001 Bronze Pelican Award (Diocese of Ft Worth CCS)
- 2000 District Award of Merit (Roadrunner District)
- 1999 Spark Plug Award
- Woodbadge Beads
Adult Scouting Innovations
- Created, recruited, marketed and launched unprecedented 2007 Ad Altare Dei Tour
- Created, recruited, marketed and launched unprecedented Diocesan Catholic Cub Scout Retreat. Our program has since been taken to 5 other Boy Scout Councils for adoption.
- Created, marketed, and launched The Lone Star Trade O Ree fund raiser to benefit local Scouting programs. It is now in its 17th year and has benefited
scouts from 20 different units.
- Led Scouting Religious Award Tour. An unprecedented effort by the CCS during 1997.
- Wrote, produced and directed documentary video of 1998 Catholic Cub Scout Retreat as a vehicle
to promote event to units that were not sponsored by
a catholic institution.
- Wrote, produced and directed documentary video of Philmont Cavalcade, Philmont Kanik and Philmont Trek adventures as a vehicle to promote mountain trips to local scout units.
Boy Record and Accomplishments
Boy Leadership
- Chairman of Quad Chapter Conclave
- Chairman of Tri Chapter Conclave
- Senior Patrol Leader (2 yrs)
- OA Chapter Chief (2 yrs)
- Catholic Boy Scout Retreat Co-Leader
- Editor of OA Chapter newsletter and Troop
Boy Awards and Achievements
- Eagle Scout
- Ad Altare Dei Catholic Scouting Award
- Gold Quill Award for Journalism
(wrote and edited several newsletters)
- Vigil Honor
- 50 Miler Cycling and Hiking Awards
Other Notable Scouting Accomplishments
- Major contributor to Longhorn Council
History Book entitled, "Our Longhorn Council:
The First 75 Years"
- Author of "A Pious Moment." A History of
Catholic Scouting within the Diocese of Ft Worth. Hardbound work containing 125 pages, over 70
pictures and a roster of every known religious awardee
within the Diocese of Ft Worth since the 1940's.
- Author of "Herein Lie Treasures of Boyhood
Adventures." A History of Troop 32 from 1927 to 2002.
A hardbound work containing 150 pages, over 100 pictures and a roster of every known member since 1927.
- Since 1977, author of PR Announcements
for various Scouting events that have been
published within the North Texas Catholic,
The Interim Knight, The Grapevine Sun, and The
Texas Knight.