Troop 32 BSA
  Indian Lore Website


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      Troop 32

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Troop 32
Fluffy Dance

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Troop 32 Indian Heritage!!!

The Order of the Arrow (OA) is loosely based on the traditions of the Lenni Lenape Delaware Indian nation in a scouting context. The rich ceremonial heritage inspires our scouts to search the true meaning of service and devotion in its quest to help fellow man. During 1952, the OA was chartered as Nishkin Halupa A Pe Lachi Lodge in the Ft. Worth area. John Edward "Ole Man" Gillespie, Jim Cunningham, and Judge Crouch were among the charter members from Troop 32. However, the allure of indian ceremonials, secret initiations, and a new challenge for older scouts drew Post and Troop 32 scouts.

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Albert O'Neal
Lodge Chief &
Champion Dancer

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