Troop 32 BSA
  Indian Lore Website


      Troop 32
      Indian Heritage

      2003 Indian
      Dance Trip

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      Troop 32

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Troop 32
75th Anniv

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"Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen!"

Our Indian Scout Heritage

The drums were beating in the hearts of our scouts when they first became members of the OA during the early 1950's. It was an unquenchable fire that began, for some, a lifelong passion for our native american culture and the art for expressing it.

The First "Wave"

The first wave of Troop 32 scouts who participated in Nishkin activities were Albert O'Neal, Bobby Sawey, Jim Sawey, Hugh Helbing, Pat Riley, Tom Stewart, and A J Stewart. Among these, Albert O'Neal had a natural gift at ceremonies and at the performing art of indian dancing. Scouts from Troop's 34 and 32 combined to form the Nishkin Dance Team which eventually won the 1956 National Dance Team Honors. As National Dance Team Champions, several were rewarded with Lodge Office. Albert was elected 1958 Nishkin Lodge Chief while others were selected for committee positions.

Second Wave

Remnants of the 1950 dancers combined to form a statewide indian hobbyists association called TIHA. However, some years later, Albert O'Neal returned to his love of indian dancing in 1969 when he became Dance Team Advisor. The Devil Dance, Hoop Dance, Fluffy Dance and Buffalo Dance were among those performed and which garnered local and regional awards from 1969-1974. Frank Bernat, Jerome Luttrel, Charles Bush Jr, Charles Jennings, Donald & Joe St John, Mike Bartula, Richard Cosgrove and John Ryan were members of this team. Charles Bush, Frank Bernat and Richard Cosgrove were elected Dance Team Chairman from 1969-1974. The Troop 32 dancers were the only scouts who could dance so we became the "de facto" Nishkin Lodge Dance Team. After 1969, these scouts won many team and individual dance competitions to bring honor and glory to Nishkin Lodge and Troop 32.

Unique Opportunities

As the troop has moved from Ft Worth and grown in size, several other attempts have been made to introduce the concept of a dance team. During 2002, our close association with the Kwahadi Dancers (Venture Crew 9) in Amarillo prompted a request to be a "sister" dance team. They welcomed us during June 2003 as we traveled with them to Philmont for a show at the Philmont Training Center in Cimarron, New Mexico (J R, R G, Z H, J H, D G, P R, T P). P R, J D, and JJR traveled back to Amarillo and received intensive Hoop Dance lessons so that they could teach other local scouts the routine that every boy fell in love with during the Kwahadi Show. We are continuing with a small group of scouts and welcome any First Class scout or above to join us.

Possible Next Trip: June 2006

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Albert O'Neal
OA Tapout
O. P. Leonard

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St John
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Frank Bernat
Lodge Officer

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