Lone Star TOR Beneficiaries


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"Our 2024 Beneficiary is the 2024 Duty To God Pilgrimage Conference - a Philmont Training Center Program...."

Our Fund Raising Legacy

The Lone Star Trade O Ree was originally created so that Order of the Arrow Woapalanne Chapter could cut the cost of attending a Philmont Scout Ranch program for any scout who wanted to go! As time went by, the funds were sometimes divided between promoting religious awards participation, Philmont programs, Indian Lore Outfits, or support of our chapter members at OA events. Most of our 2015 - 2018 funds are devoted to the 2016 and 2018 Footsteps of the Saints Pilgrimage (5/30/2015 funds went to 2015 PSA Staff Scholarship Fund). During 2014, funds went toward Philmont Staff Scholarship Fund and a 2014 Footsteps of the Saints Pilgrimage. From 2011 through 2012, funds are devoted to the 2012 Footsteps of the Saints Pilgrimage to New Mexico. From 2008 - 2010, funds were devoted toward the $5,000 BSA Fee for the Metal Recycling Exhibit at the 2010 National Scout Jamboree. Between 1987 - 2012, one or more scouts from the following units benefited in our program:

Scout Troops or Explorer Post/Crews
  • Troop 4 (Roadrunner District)
  • Troop 7 (Roadrunner District)
  • Troop 17 (Horned Frog District)
  • Troop 32 (Mustang District)
  • Crew 32 (Mustang District)
  • Post 32 (Trailblazer District)
  • Troop 37 (Trailblazer District)
  • Troop 97 (Horned Frog District)
  • Troop 253 (Roadrunner District)
  • Troop 254 (Roadrunner District)
  • Troop 509 (Roadrunner District)
  • Troop 700 (Roadrunner District)
  • 2 Boys from Troop in Okinawa, Japan
Donations of scout memorabilia have made it to my door to benefit the scouts and increase interest in our hobby. These memorabilia donations have been used in our youth auctions (1990-present day), used in our silent auctions to generate funds (eg. 2003 campership for a needy scout), to giveaway, or to create a win-win situation like the following Story.

During 1990, funds were dedicated to the purchase and construction of Order of the Arrow Ceremonial outfits and to help one of our Chapter Officers attend the 75th Anniversary NOAC Conference.

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2024 Lone Star Trade O Ree...

From 1998 through 2007, the Lone Star TOR has benefited the Cub Scout Retreat Program for the Diocese of Ft Worth. During 2003, we challenged any troop to participate with a combination of at least 50 scouts, parents or siblings and we would make a $200 contribution to their unit. Troop 32 satisfied the requirement and they were presented a check during June 2003. With a similar challenge during 2004 and 2005, a check in the amount of $100 went to both Pack 777 and Troop 32 for both years. During our 2006 event, a scout who needed assistance with summer camp funds earned his way by staffing our table and selling some patches donated for his benefit.

Again, funds generated by the 2004 thru 2007 (and 2012 - 2022) Lone Star Trade O Ree benefits our ongoing Pilgrimage program. These funds provided 25 FREE Scholarships for Scouts and Scouters to visit downtown Santa Fe, climb Indian cliff dwellings, visit Chimayo, enjoy the Kwahadi Indian dancers, and conduct a program for the 2007 NCCS Conference at the Philmont Training Center. As a result of the unprecedented success of the tour, it was awarded the 2008 NCCS Award of Excellence. Our Pilgrimage trips from 2012 thru 2024 continue to receive 92% Excellent/Good rating by both Scout and Scouter attendees. During 2021, we had 5 Christian faiths from 5 different states travel with us on our award winning program.

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