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"We are pleased to honor Long Time Scouters through our Legends of Scouting Program ..."

Benefiting Our Scout Heritage

From 2006 thru 2019, I began serving as a Collections and Art Merit Badge counselor at the BSA National Museum in Irving, Texas. As a part of these merit badge classes, I've taught our Scouts an appreciation for their Scouting heritage by "reading" our history in patch form. In addition, our Scouts have learned what it takes to create a patch all the way from the design phase through the completion in our BSA Museum Art Merit Badge - Legends of Scouting series. One year, we honored Dick Austin with a tribute to his decades of Scouting. During 2022, we plan to honor another Scouter. In addition to the patch, we prepare a BIO so that everyone can marvel in the work our honoree has given to Scouting.

During our 2003 event, I was pleased to welcome Richard Reitz and the Camp Wisdom Museum to our 2003 Lone Star Trade O Ree. In a small way, I was able to help the preservation of our shared heritage by providing Richard an opportunity to raise funds.

Again, during 2004, I was very pleased to welcome Carrie Taylor of the National Scouting Museum and Richard Reitz of the Camp Wisdom Museum. Both raising funds and providing boys and adults the opportunity to see .... what they might not ever see .... if these representatives did not attend and promote our shared heritage.

Unpreserved heritage is legacy lost!

Visit Your Local Scout Museums!!!


National Scouting
Museum Display
Carrie Taylor

Camp Wisdom
Richard Reitz

Showing Off
Available Only
at National Museum

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