One morning, shortly after discovering the possum living under the house. I got up and as was part of my morning routine, I let Tanda out to do her business while I made coffee. When the coffee pot was going, I went to the back door to let Tanda back in the house. Looking out in the still dark yard I couldn't see her anywhere so I whistled for her and shortly I heard her trotting around from the side of the house.
She came around the corner just as happy as a clam and not two feet behind her came the possum. Now understand, it was early in the morning and I still hadn't had my coffee yet so I was a little groggy. As Tanda rounded the corner and came trotting up the steps I stood aside and held the door open for her, when she ran past I STOOD THERE HOLDING THE DOOR FOR THE STINKIN' POSSUM!!
Taso made it all the way up to the steps and turned just as he got to the first step and headed under the house through a cut in the screen next to the porch.
Inside the house with the door closed, I turned and looked at Tanda who did a happy dance and snapped excitedly at me as if to say, "I made a new friend!".
I eventually caught Taso in a live trap, took him out to the country and turned him loose, only to have another one move in, in his place and the new one was pregnant! but that's another story...