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Tesia Samara

"Do we deserve to bear the shame of this whole world? And like the night we camoflauge denial."- Tesia Samara

Tesia Samara was said by some close friends to be witty, intelligent, and very well mannered. She was an avid writer, and loved to read novels from writers such as Stephen King and Dean Koonts. Her favorite television shows included "The Golden Girls", "Designing Women" which she watched with her mother each night; Also she enjoyed "Buffy- The Vampire Slayer", and MTV's "The Real World".

Her favorite movies included "Totally Blonde", "Halloween", and her favorite movie of all was "28 Days Later". The newest movie she wanted to see was "Gothika". She loved music, and even more loved dancing. Her music of choice was t.A.T.u., Shakira, Cindy Lauper, and Celine Dion.

Her obsessions were her hair and hygiene. She loved her hair, and would talk about never cutting it or dyeing it. She was also somewhat obsessed about telekenesis, voodoo, and mental telepathy.

She was a true kindred spirit, though few people saw that and took their chances to get close to her. The few who did know and love her will remember her greatly for what she gave us. I hope this site brings some closure to those who still grive and miss her, and to those who never truly knew her but wish they had, I hope this site brings you a little taste of what you missed, and I hope it helps.

The Austin American Statesman's story on Tesia's Death
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