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Verbal Malice
Verbal Malice

Lashing aimed, spread on the day
A layer of slime, transformed to crust

A set of words, empty, but strong in tone
not just one could occupy my scar tissue
And crawl into the bone
But this ambush has become too large an issue
And the cuts are left in stone

Death to their bizarre way of thinking
as well as death to mine
Death to each time my heart finds it's sinking
And curse to each hour I pine
Fresh piles of pain hurt in stinking
Death on their extensively rich dime

A bitch, so rich, her daddy granted her wish
A bastard, who only mastered the art of getting plastered

How depressing this all is
I've purchased a big gulp of cyanide
Chugged it down with a distasteful frown
Bitterly in death to hide