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Camellia Elfwand

Alias/Nickname : CoCo
Age: 20
Birthday: September 16th
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Race/ species: Fae
Sex: Female


Hair: Pink aurora Borealis half way down her back .
Eyes: Deep violet.
Skin Color: Peach (tans easily).
Height: 5'4"
Build: Svelte and athletic.
Distinguishing Features: Huge iridescent wings she can retract at will.
Clothes: Usually floaty mini skirts, in pastel colors, cashmere sweaters,tights, and calf high heeled boots in winter, tank style tops and open toed shoes in summer(sandals or heels etc.).

Family: Dalilah Elfwand (mother), Forrest Elfwand (father), Thorne (12 year old brother).

Pets: Frufru (bunny).

History: Co Co's family is from one of the Royal Fairy bloodlines. Her mother is a lesser princess, and her father is a lesser prince. The Elfwand family has lived among humans for several generations. A little over 100 years ago the fairy Aristocracies all got together and decided that they must learn as much as possible about the modern world. Several of the princes and princesses, were asked to take up residence as humans. CoCo's ancestors were among the first volunteers.

CoCo was raised in an affluent suburb in Connecticut. She is completely aware of her fairy heritage, but has little regard for it. She hates when she is forced to attend Fae ceremonies or rituals, she finds them useless,boring,and tedious. If she could have one wish it would be to be human.

CoCo's parents threatened to cut her off unless she attended U of S. CoCo has never developed her magical abilities,as she sees them as a waste of time. Her parents are hoping U of S will fix that. CoCo would have preferred to attend UCLA as she hears they have an awesome party scene.

Coco is obsessed with finding the perfect man. Coco is exceptionally beautiful and though she dates a lot, men tend to be turned off by her"let's get married" attitude after the first date. But this doesn't deter her,in the least.She believes whole heartedly her "Prince Charming is right around the corner

Personality: CoCo is very outgoing! She will talk to anyone any were,even esthetically challenged people. Ugly people need conversation to right?

CoCO is exceptionally smart but a huge underachiever. She much prefers partying, and the persuite of a "prince charming" to studying .

Powers/Abilities: CoCo posses most fairy powers, but she has never bothered to develop them. She thinks magic is stupid and a waste of time. Modern conveniences are way cooler!

Occupation: Full-time student.

Major and year character is in: Second year Domestic engineering(She considered pre law just like Elle Woods, but that would mean more studying and less partying. And that sooooo won't do!)

Place of residence: Kappa Iota Sigma (KIS) Sorority. CoCo is their president, and loves the sorority life. She couldn't imagine having to complete college in a dorm!

Roommate(s): All of her sorority sisters.

Other: CoCO was head cheerleader throughout high school and has continued the tradition in college! GO Dragons!

Lives ambition: Marry a guy with a really big wand!


Fave Food: Sushi and ice cream but not together
Fave Sport: Cheerleading and figure skating!
Fave Movies: Legally Blond 1 and 2
Fave Band/Musician: Jessica Simpson (she's so cool!)
Fave Flower: Camellia! (Duh! she was named after it!)
Fave color: PINK

Worst Fear: She will never find her Prince Charming.

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© 2009--Penny Dreadful Creations.

University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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