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Alias/Nickname (optional): Derrick, Dustin, Demon, and a variety of others over the years. He’ll never give up his real name.
Age: 1,500 but looks to be around 25.
Birthday (optional): December 3, given to him by Meora when she was young.
Race/ species: Demon
Sex: Male

Appearance (detailed, hair, eyes, height, build, clothes, etc)

Hair: Black, a few inches long.
Eyes: Grey.
Skin Color: Pale as pale can be.
Height: 6’0”
Distinguishing Features: None of note.

Clothes: He thinks it’s fun to dress the way modern society views the human form of demons. Sharp suits, slick back hair.
Family (mother, father, siblings): Malick (son, deceased), Seline (wife, deceased)
Pets: Meora?

History: Devin has been around for a long time, too long to truly remember when he was born as it wasn’t common to record these things. He doesn’t reveal a lot about his past, mostly because he’s not very proud of his younger years. He enjoyed taking what he wanted from the superstitious fools around him. They were his play things, his toys.

Seline changed him in this respect. She was a soft spoken, typhoon of a woman who snuck into his heart and asked nothing more then for him to love her and respect her. They were married in 136 a.d. and she gave him a beautiful son and 43 wonderful years. She slipped away one night and it took Devin quite a few years to recover from her lose. He spent the next hundred years building up the home he had created and protecting it from outsiders.

It was around that time that another pain was dealt with him. His son had been killed by a clan not far from their home. In rage he struck out and wiped out most of the clan, but was stopped from destroying everything by the clan’s wise woman. He fought her magic and, much to his dismay, ended up bound to the woman.

He hated the crazy old bat, her children, her children’s children, and so on for a few centuries. After a time, he found himself bound to people who he no longer hated, rather he found he was indifferent to most of them. Of course there are a few who he cared for; Miles, Aerica, Jacob, Sarah, Elizabeth, and Harry. Each of their deaths hurt worse and worse until he became detached from them.

All of that changed when Ann and Meora came into his life. They were sun and tiger, his little twin girls. He knew what would happen, Ann was always a sickly child, but he didn’t expect how much little Ora would affect him. She wormed her way into his heart until he had to be near her, the bind too tight to let her far. Picnics with imaginary friends, hide and go seek at his corporation, teaching her to dance and speak Latin, and trips to the beach.

Of course when she found out why it is a curse, things changed. He lost his little tiger and was thrust into a relationship with an emotionally unstable teenager who was running away. He fought between bringing her home and extensive counseling or letting her find herself. Considering the young girl, he left her deal. He provided her with anything and everything she needed, but when she wanted to transfer to U of S, he put his foot down.

Meora claimed he had a fit, but he rather likes to think of it as a disagreement. After four hours of disagreeing and one room ruined from the sprinkler system bursting, Devin agreed to her transferring (rather, she was going and he really didn’t have any say in it).

Knowing that Meora was probably looking for a way out of the curse, Devin followed and took up a teaching position. He has too many scars, both physical and emotional, to not try and make sure Meora stayed away from the path of her ancestors.

Personality: As a business man, Devin is harsh, ruthless, and will step on anyone to keep his corporations on the right path. As a teacher, Devin is harsh, ruthless, and will step on anyone who is found cheating (he has a special pair of shoes for it and everything.)

No really, Devin likes teaching and encourages his students to ask questions or seek him out for help, but the shoe comment is in effect. Outside of the classroom and office, he likes to play tricks and hides his true nature by being laid back and unaffected by the world around him.

Meora is the only one alive right now that sees the real him. Devin was a devious, cruel demon that has been mellowed by centuries of living with humans. He cares about Meora and a few select others. Don’t hurt them or you’ll find out just how inventive a demon can be with torture.

Powers/Abilities (if any): Before being bound to humans, Devin could dry out entire lakes or cause floods. His control over water was unrivaled by any other demon, as it was his birth right.

After being bound to the old bat, his powers were severely limited. No longer could he devastate with a thought. Now he is able to move water around, condense water in the air to create mist to reflect light so he can hide himself and is capable of drawing water out of the living body.

He has to be careful just how much power he uses, as it can have devastating effects on those bound to him. One nice side effect of being bound is the fact that he is able to influence people. It has helped him to keep his enterprises alive in the changing times.

Upon taking the teaching job he has agreed to limit the use of this on students, only in cases of punishment or stopping fights.

The bind: Devin is so limited by it that he is more of a shadow of his old self. He misses the feel of the water being so strongly interlaced with his life. He hates that using his power can end up killing his little human. He hates feeling when his charge is in danger, in pain, or dying.

Weakness: Hurt one and you hurt the other. So far, he has been able to withstand the death of every human bound to him through the next generation, but it hurts and weakens him for weeks. He barely withstood Ann’s death, so close to the death of his last human and it was Meora’s strength and energy kept him from following the double blow. To kill a charge won’t kill the demon, but kill the demon and the charge will die.

He doesn’t care for religion and it‘s relics and symbols, it doesn’t hurt him in general. If someone were attack him with it, it would either weaken him or really piss him off. If it does weaken him, watch out for Meora, she’ll smack around anyone who does this.

Occupation: History teacher.
Major and year character is in: New teacher.
Place of residence: Condo off campus or Meora’s apartment depending on the day.
Roommate(s) (optional): Meora is allowed into his home, but rarely anyone else. He’s rather protective of his place.

Other: Devin’s relationship with Meora can be described simply, love/hate. He hates being bound as much as he hates the old bat that did it, and he hates the entire family for killing his heir and last piece of Seline.

On the other hand, Meora is his. She is his daughter, his sister, his playmate, and so many other things. He dreads that day she will fall in love with another, the day he will have to give her away to another man.

Favorites Fave Food: Anything that isn’t cooked by Meora. He also hates jello, something like that should not exist.
Fave Sport: Any sport that has potential to be very bloody. (still waiting for the coliseum to come back in style.)
Fave Movies: Doesn’t care just as long as he doesn’t have to watch Meora’s sappy girl flicks.
Fave Band/Musician: Old classics, anything in the 70s (oh, how he misses the 70s).
Fave Flower: Daisies, pretty and they take over a garden in no time.

Worst Fear(s): Meora will be stupid and get herself killed trying to undo something that can’t be undone. Devin also fears being bound for the rest of his life.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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