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Diana Lewis

Alias/Nickname: Di, the common nickname she used to be called by her friends has been particulary painful to hear since she's been turned into a blood-thristy vampire.
Age: 18
Race/ species: Caucasian, now a vampire.
Sex: Female


Hair: Naturally dark, she's dyed it blonde to try and better blend with her pale skin.
Eyes: Dark, The palest blue.
Skin Color: Porcelain White.
Height: 5' 6"
Build: Slender, not too curvy or defined.
Distinguishing Features: Longer canine teeth than normal.
Clothes: She loves trendy, preppy sort of colorful clothes.

Family: Maribeth (mother), Ethan (father), Edmund (older brother).

Family dyanmics: She comes from a very traditional, white-bread type family. Her father is an accountant and her mother stayed at home while raising her children and was active in the that they've left the house, she plans on getting more into her hobbies: pottery and sculpting. Her parents still don’t know that she’s a vampire.

Diana's always gotten along well with her brother, who's always been protective of her. There's a little stress now between the family since she's 'turned'. Her parents had chalked it up to her rebelling before going off to college, but she was only able to throw them off for so long. Her sudden change of behavior (disappearing all day, acting withdrawn, looking pale) had them concerned that she might be doing drugs or getting involved with the wrong crowd. After confronting her, she told them she was fascinated by study of the supernatural and was participating in research conducted by U of S, where she was bound and determined to study. After a few days of arguing over it, they decided to allow it, so it's with reluctant blessings that she comes to University of the Supernatural.

Her brother has his own suspicions, but has pretty much kept them to himself. He's a law student at Harvard.

Pets: She has a dog named Barker, but right after she became a vampire, she attacked him. Appalled that she would do such a thing (and immensely guilty when her parents tried to figure out what might have bitten the dog so savagely), she insisted that for his own safety, the dog be given away to her cousin.

History: It was in high school, where she was an honors student accepted to the most prestigous universities that it happened. At her Grad-night celebration, the party was exciting and there was a large turnout, but Diana stumbled across a group of students who had been into the whole goth scene...they were having their own party. At first feeling hesitant, she tried to leave, but they insisted she stay and forced her to join them. Using their crude black magic skills, they managed to summon a vampire and offered her as a sacrifice when they'd learned he was ready to feed.

As she hovered between life and death, the vampire gave her the choice of becoming one, like him. All she could think about was the devastation it would cause her family if they found out she had died, on her graduation night no less. She chose life.

Stumbling her way through being a vampire, she quickly learned that it would be nearly impossible for her at a 'normal' school. Much to her family's dismay, she forwent the Ivy League school she was planning on attending to go to University of the Supernatural. There, she hopes to learn more about night-to-night living as a vampire and figure out how what to do with her immortal future.

Personality: Still very new at the vampire thing, she's always learning more and more about it, and how to live as one practically. She hasn't yet declared a major, because she's not really thinking about academia, but gaining knowledge she needs to know for herself. She tends to be more cautious than daring, has a thirst for knowledge that rivals her new thirst for blood. She was raised with very strict ideals and now finds some of that challenged for the first time, in a way that she has no answers for.

Powers/Abilities: your typical vampire: bloodlust, heightened hearing and sight, quicker reflexes than normal.

Occupation: Freshman student.

Place of residence: Small apartment right off campus.

Roommate): this point, she's not sure enough of anything to trust someone new living with her. But it could change if she should meet someone whom she could learn from.


Fave Food: Italian food...with lots of garlic!
Fave Sport: Diana's not into sports.
Fave Movies: Titanic.
Fave Band/Musician: Diana likes show tunes.
Fave Flower: Calla Lily.
Fave color: Pink.

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University of the Supernatural
This page was last updated on February 16th, 2009
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